Lost Men's Wedding Band at Turtle Bay Resort....FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)



After the successful ring search at Hilton Hawaiian Village I had a call on my phone from Ashley from Birmingham, Alabama. Apparently her husband Adam returned from the beach and after going back to the room to retrieve his ring hidden in his shoe with his wallet it was no where to be found. They scoured their room and the path to the area they were at on the beach but it was gone. It was nearly 3 PM and rush hour traffic was soon to be upon us. I rushed home to get a bite to eat then immediately got on the road for Turtle Bay which is 48.6 miles from my house. That’s about the farthest destination on Oahu for me. Surprisingly I was able to make it in about an hour and a half. Adam & Ashley met me at the beach shower and we walked over to the area they were on at the beach to start the search. We marked off the sand the size of a parking stall and I went to work. It only took 5 minutes and the area was sterile. Not a single target. This wasn’t going to be easy as now we had to retrace the long path they took back to their hotel room. Miraculously Ashley found a picture on her phone that she took earlier in the day that showed exactly with landmarks where they were on the beach. The new search area was about 20 feet to the East and a family was occupying that spot. They kindly offered to move and I started again. Ten seconds later a brand new quarter and a moment after that the roar of a ring. One scoop down and Adam was beaming with a smile of relief. Honeymoon saved. Aloha to Adam & Ashley.


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One Reply to “Lost Men’s Wedding Band at Turtle Bay Resort….FOUND!!!”

  1. Joe Au-Franz dit :

    Ashley Cobb

    Yesterday was a trying day, but we made the most of it! Adam lost his wedding band somewhere between the beach and our resort early in the morning. Long story short…10 hours later this guy is our HERO!!

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