Where to rent a metal detector in Lincoln Nebraska Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost wedding ring Lincoln Nebraska recovered

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Contact me for all your metal detecting and recovery needs. Rob 402-580-6933. Land, water, cracks in concrete, rings, keys, hearing aids, phones, etc. Servicing Lincoln and the greater Nebraska area.

Berenice was raking leaves and doing year end yard work. After dark she called it a night. Later inside the house she noticed her beautiful wedding ring of one year was not on her finger. Her husband found me online and gave me a call. Long story short it’s back where it belongs.

Lost ring recovered Lincoln Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Call me for all your metal detecting and recovery needs… Rob 402-580-6933

I got a call from Noah’s mom to see if I could help him locate a special ring that he had lost while playing basketball. It was a ring that his older brother once wore. What a blast to see siblings so close to each other. I got the story and pulled out my detector and……………Oh no. There was an underground dog fence giving off a lot of EMI. Bad thing was the house was vacant and I couldn’t turn it off. I started to make adjustments and learned that if I crept real slow I could hear signals amongst all the chatter. A few minutes later I let Noah be the one to operate the pinpointer and recovery the ring. The video shows the interference and the recovery.

Lost rings in Lincoln Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Lost your ring or any sentimental item?….Call Rob ASAP 402-580-6933

I have said and done things that required an apology during my 31 years of marriage. We are only human. We were so honored to help get these rings back to a couple of 25 years after they were randomly thrown separately into the darkness of the night during a time of emotional stress. Our only job is to figure out where they went and to recover them. We respect peoples personal life and privacy. If you have found yourself in a similar situation don’t hesitate to reach out we would love to help. Please call us for all your metal detecting needs. Rob 402-580-6933

Single lost key recovered! Lincoln Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Kendra found me on the internet, Theringfinders.com is quickly becoming a name in Nebraska. While walking her dog, she accidentally dropped her single apartment key. She heard a “ding” and searched for hours with no success. I was able to get to her and recover it in less than 30 minutes from the phone call. Short video shows why she couldn’t find it. I was so happy that we could help her out. Call me for all your metal detecting needs 402-580-6933

Wedding ring lost 5 months ago found Lincoln, Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Jeff was working in his garden last fall when he noticed his wedding ring of 33 years was not on his finger. They had spent many hours over the last few months searching for it with no success. He then turned to the internet where he came across Theringfinders.com . The rest is history.

Where to rent a metal detector in Lincoln Nebraska, is what he typed in, Boom we found it for them.

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Rob called me after they had search for a couple hours for his wife’s very sentimental ring from her home in Vietnam. She was enjoying her first experience of snow and was throwing it. This was an old property with 100’s of signals and lots of foot traffic because of its location. After about 15 minutes I was able to recover it, not to far from their search area. Rob Lincoln Nebraska ring finder. 402-580-6933


Lost hearing aid found in Malcolm, Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

I got a call from Richard’s son that his father had lost a hearing aid. Richard still had one which I scanned to see what the signal was like. Richard took me on a tour of his acreage to show me the places he did yard work that day. Twenty minutes later I got the signal. He is having 28 people over for thanksgiving in a couple days. I’m glad he will be able to hear all the laughter of his family.


Lost wedding ring in Lincoln Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Erin was doing yard work today, later on she realized her wedding ring of 29 years was not on her finger. She contacted us and we headed over. She was very detailed as to the work she was doing and where. My son and I got to work, 10 minutes later we surprised her with her ring. Always a blessing to help others.

Wedding ring recovered after 25 years in a lake.

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Bill and Brita were celebrating the day before their 1997 wedding with friends and family that included fun in the farm lake. Cousins were riding horses in the lake and Brita was playing with a friend. She felt her ring come off. They all searched for it, it was even metal detected by a few people.  I was challenged 25 years later to recover it. After lots of questions,  looking at land marks and comparing them to pictures that day I decided it was time to try because of the dry year and lower water levels and the cold weather was about to move in. I realized I was dealing with 2-3 feet of muck, silt and debris. My conventional metal detector was not going to work. I duct taped my pinpointer to a broom handle and begin to probe. Many trips to the lake probing finally revealed a target 26 inches under muck and 3 inches into the original lake bed. I was so honored to give Bill the wedding ring back which he gave to his wife of 25 years last week for her birthday.  She now wears her engagement ring for the first time after being married.


Lost mens wedding ring

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

I was contacted to help locate a beautiful gold band with diamonds of only 6 months old. They thought for sure it was lost outside the wedding reception venue they were music mc’s at. It was really cold and he took off his gloves to work the key fob. After we talked about some of the events of the evening I detected the outside with no results.  We then went into the building and scanned all the trash bags, no results. We scoped in the cracks of the old barn floor with no results. We continued to rehash the events, finding another area to detect,  no results. We kept talking and discussing things that went on that night.  I told them that I was certain it was not outside or in the building, and the car and bags should be checked, based on him throwing a jacket in there, Boom, success. Because of our team work and relentless search of possible areas the ring was found.