platinum ring Tag | Page 5 of 6 | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring Found – Troy Community Center

  • from Wixom (Michigan, United States)

Narenda was at cricket practice when he noticed he lost his ring.  As they searched in declining evening light his coach Raj  visited my Ringfinder Directory listing and called me  for help.  I was home, but an hour away, so when I arrived  at the Troy Community Center it was just getting dark.  We searched without success until well after dark.

Naren explained the ring was a very dear gift from his mother, it was clear he was not ready to give up the search.  I knew the ring was somewhere on the field, and thanks to Coach Raj, I had a good Idea where to look.

I returned the following day in very poor weather for another unsuccessful hunt.  On my third attempt I set the marker flags for my search over a much larger area than the markers Coach Raj had made indicating Narenda’s position during the cricket drill.  Sure enough the ring turned up just outside the area of the original search.

When I recovered the ring I was dismayed to find it had been bent.  Knowing I had to beat the lawn mowers I started early hoping to prevent the possibility of damage.  Indeed there had been no mowing due to the rain.  The ring looked reparable and I told Coach Raj of the damage when I called him with the news of the find.

Narenda came that evening eager to pick up the ring.  I asked him again to describe his ring, a small gold ring with white stones in a square pattern.  He laughed when I told him it had been damaged, he admitted to denting the band himself and pantomimed the catch he made when he dented it. His smile told the story when he slipped the ring back on his finger.

Short video on UTube:

Happy Ending

Mother’s Lucky Ring Returned

Ring lost at Ski Beach Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Joe was enjoying his visit to Ski Beach on Mission Bay, at least until he lost his platinum wedding ring. He had gone down the the water’s edge to rinse his hands. when he returned back to the fire ring area where they were camped, he shook his hands to remove the water, when his ring flew off. He and others tried in vain to find the ring in the dry sand, but, no luck doing that. I met Joe there the next morning and after a few bottle caps that were reading 13-15, I got an 11 reading on my Equinox that proved to be his ring. A happy Joe is now able to get that ring resized and continue it’s story. Nice to meet you Joe and thank you for the reward.

Ring Found at Gilbert Willis Park Commerce MI- Owner Located – Wedding Ring Returned

  • from Wixom (Michigan, United States)

It was looking like spring the first week of May here in Lower Michigan so I went out to practice with a new metal detector at Gilbert Willis Park in Wixom.  It is a beautiful, large park and I often find coins there.  Like most parks it can yield a fair amount of junk.  I had invested the whole afternoon retrieving a mixture of junk and coins and was walking to my car when I had a good hit that I thought might be a quarter.  It turned out to be several items, first a penny and a dime in the hole, and then a diamond ring in the clump.

Sentimentally, this ring might just be the most valuable thing I have ever found.   It bore the design of half a heart with a diamond, it had an inscription and a date that indicated the ring owner had been married only a year and a half ago. The inscription “No Matter What” instantly fired my determination to find the owner.  I was enjoying the thought of returning the ring even before I had the hole filled.

I ran into a lot of dead ends on this one until I enlisted the help of a local realtor, Liz Stevenson, and the Neighborhood Exchange newsletter which she has published monthly for at least 20 years.  Everyone reads the free ads on the back of the newsletter.  I placed an ad in the July issue.   Sherry called me the day the newsletter was delivered to tell me about her husband Shoane’s lost ring.  I knew it was his ring when she told me of the half of a heart design that matched her ring; but I made her give me the inscription so I could be sure.

Shoane was playing baseball in the park and had removed the ring and pocketed it for safety. Sadly, he lost it when he went to the car after the game.  It was a win for the team; but losing the ring ruined the weekend.   After an exhaustive search, Shoane had just about given up hope he would ever see his ring again.   The ring lay buried in the park until the following spring.

It turns out that Shoane’s office was just down the street from the park.   I was able to drop the ring off and ring and owner were reunited.

Thank you Liz Stevenson for locating the ring owner.

Lost ring at Coronado, Found.

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Reason #2. Oh, you need more info? Ok, Neil was visiting here in town and spent the day at the Beach in Coronado sitting in the sand in front of the Hotel Del Coronado. He placed his platinum wedding band into the beach chair pocket for « safekeeping ». I know, those chairs should come with a jewelry safety warning on them! Later, when he was ready to leave, he folded up the chair and headed out. When he realized that his ring was no longer in the pocket, it was too late. The beach had swallowed it. An internet search and popped up. He texted me at 5:45am just as I arrived home from an all night detecting hunt. Still sandy and a bit tired, I knew we needed to jump on this search right away if we had any chance to find it before someone else did, so I told  him I’d be right over. I picked him up at his hotel and headed down to the search area. We walked out to where he was camped, he circled a bit, and declared this was about the spot. I made a couple of short passes and after not much more than a minute, I got that « great » pulltab/gold/platinum reading of 12-15 on my Etrac. Poked the pin pointer into the sand and pulled out Neil’s ring. A much happier ending to his visit to San Diego than it could have been. A pleasure to meet you Neil, and thank you for the generous reward.

P.S. For future reference, reason number 1 is: « I removed my rings to apply skin lotion, put them on my lap/the blanket, and forgot them. »


Lost Ring Found, Island Lake Recreation Area 7/1/2018

  • from Wixom (Michigan, United States)

Angela texted me that her brother in law Brian had lost his ring  the day before at Island Lake Recreation Area.  They were swimming  in a small pond  that was a good hike from a sanctioned swimming area.  Since it is not listed as a metal detecting area on the park map, we stopped and asked the very kind lady at the admissions booth to contact the ranger for permission.  Permission obtained we drove to the south side of the park and hiked to the swimming hole.  The bottom dropped off sharply, typical of a former a gravel pit, and the danger was multiplied by thick weeds in the deeper areas.   This type of swimming hole can be dangerous; I don’t recommend this pond for swimming.  Everyone took turns with the scoop as we searched the deep water.  Fortunately, I located the ring on the sand bar about 20 to 30 feet out, after about a two hour search.


It was clear Brian had given up the ring as lost forever.  I slipped it to Angela while I hunted up my camera, and after telling Brian we were all going home, we surprised him with his ring.


Happy Ending to a Beautiful Day

Lost ring found in Spring Mill Pond at Island Lake Recreation Center, Brighton, Michigan

  • from Wixom (Michigan, United States)

While showing a friend the spot where I recovered a ring last week, I noticed a group of about 20 young men.  They had been playing a rowdy game that looked like a cross between football and lacrosse in waist to shoulder deep water, up and down the swimming area and now they had suddenly switched to that familiar search mode, with the players all bent over looking for something lost in the water.   I gave them about fifteen minutes and when they were getting out of the water, looking discouraged, I approached the group.

After some banter back and forth I finally isolated the young man who admitted to losing his wedding ring.  I was not able to search that evening so I gave him my card and told him I would return the following morning.   It was cold and breezy the next morning; but I found the ring in knee deep water with a 3 hour search.

Usually I get a contract, or at least a phone number; but I could tell he didn’t believe I could find it, and he didn’t really want to give me any information.  It was a few days before he called, and I was beginning to wonder if he wanted it back at all.

Let’s just say that he was surprised to hear I had his ring.  He sent me a wedding picture to verify he was the owner, and I put his ring in the mail.

You can check out my search on YouTube



Lost Ring Found in Spring Mill Pond at Island Lake Recreation Area, Brighton, MI

  • from Wixom (Michigan, United States)

Chris and Christi were celebrating Father’s Day at Island Lake State Park.  The whole family was out in the water at Spring Mill Pond enjoying the sun, the water, and the record 90 plus degree heat.  It was a perfect summer day until Chris noticed his wedding band was missing.  Pictures taken just minutes earlier confirmed the ring had been lost in the lake, so the family along with other beach goers looked frantically while slowly losing hope.   One of Chris’s daughters asked her phone for help and theRingfinder web site came up with my phone number.  I was able to come immediately, it was early evening, and the lake was still crowded with swimmers.   With the light starting to fade and park closing in two hours, I knew I had to be quick.  Chris and daughter Carly marked the area boundaries and Christi I started making 50 yard passes in 3 – 4 foot deep water.  Everybody was cold, and we took turns diving with the scoop.  An hour later, after five passes across the swimming area turned up only a few coins, I got a great signal in about 4 feet of water.  Christi held the metal detector and I was able to scoop up the ring.  A happy ending and a super Father’s Day chapter added to this family’s album.

Lost Platinum Wedding Recovered in Towson, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

Early last month I was contacted by Rodney. I was able to help him recover his lost wedding band back in 2014. Unfortunately he was in need of my assistance once again. He had lost the same ring except this time it was lost in a different area and under different circumstances. The good news is we were once again successful in locating it! I’ll let Rodney tell you the story in his own words…..


It was a cold evening in December and I was attending a holiday party with family and friends.  I stepped outside to assist the host with some bags and in the process my wedding ring fell off into the snow in his front lawn.  I searched with flashlights that evening but was unable to locate the ring.  The next day I assumed we would have better luck and returned to my friend’s house to search for the ring as we knew it was in a very small area in the front lawn.  We crawled around the area digging and clawing for hours at the ground but were unsuccessful so I knew it was time to call in the experts.  I had used Jim’s service a few years back and was confident that if he could come out he would be able to locate the ring.  I reached out to Jim and we agreed to meet at the location a few days later.  When we arrived I explained the situation and the area where the ring was lost.  Jim got his metal detector out to begin to search.  Within a few minutes he was able to locate the ring within the area I showed him.  I am so thankful for Jim and his ability to assist with locating lost items.

Thanks Again Jim!

Rodney S.


Lost Platinum Ring in Crystal Cove Found and Returned

  • from Seal Beach (California, United States)

I was finishing up a search searching for someone’s lost jewelry this Sunday and I was approached by someone that said, « Can you please help us? My friend just lost his platinum wedding band ». I walked over and met Paul. He just told me that he was playing in the sand with his family and lost his platinum wedding band and that his wife was going to kill him. I swung the coil a few times in the area that he showed me and surprise! Within a minute it was in my scoop. He said, « you did that like it was nothing! » I said, « Finding it quickly was the easy part, the 30 years of practice was the hard part ». I made sure Paul was on the way home to his wife and ensure he would not be in the doghouse tonight.

Lost Wedding Ring in Sedalia MO. Found and Returned

  • from Warrensburg (Missouri, United States)

Platinum Tuesday Return

Received a Monday evening phone call from my Relic hunting Partner Jim Crain. Jim said he had a Gentleman call his Shop trying to get info on how to operate a Garrett GTI 2500 over the phone. Through the course of the conversation Jim learned that the gentleman had lost his Wedding Ring and was getting no where with his fathers GTI. Well long story short Jim informed him that he knew someone who finds Rings. I contacted Andy and met him Tuesday morning at the location he had lost the Platinum Ring. The location was a backyard where Andy and his friends meet weekly to play Volleyball and relax. The grass was very short and Andy said that he and his friends had searched the hole field and sides but with no luck. I gathered my equipment ( Garrett AT Pro/Anderson Shaft/ NEL Tornado) and started my grid search. The area was fairly clean and with short grass you couldn’t ask for better hunting conditions. At right about one hour into the search and of course on the opposite side of the court that I started on and about 20 feet away from the court… BINGO  at a steady 54 VDI  the ring had been stepped on and pressed down into the ground. it was only visible from directly above.  And there we have it sports fans one very Happy Andy Schultze of Bryant Motors in Sedalia MO reunited with his lost Treasure

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