Wedding Band Lost for Over a Year…Found Buried in Neighbor’s Gainesville, Virginia Yard

Scott’s Handsome Gold Wedding Band Showing Off Its Brilliance!

Proudly and Excitedly, Scott Holds His Most Priceless Keepsake!
I connected with a man named Scott who learned of THE RING FINDERS from an ad that I posted online. He asked me all kinds of questions about what kind of help I could offer him and I asked Scott tons of questions, as well.
A year or so earlier, Scott highly suspected that he lost his 14 karat yellow gold wedding band while helping his elderly neighbors who lived next door to him. He picked up a truck load of mulch for both he and his neighbor and he spent a full day lifting, carrying and spreading numerous bags of mulch throughout the two properties’ flower beds, bushes and surrounding trees. It was sometime at the end of the day that Scott noticed that his ring was missing off of his finger.
The good neighbor searched everywhere for the classic style wedding band. Sadly, all of his efforts could not lead Scott to his cherished wedding day keepsake. Over the next year, he would use metal detectors to search both lawns and still he was unable to recover the ring. It was at the moment when the defeated man saw my ad about the elite international metal detectorist directory that his hope finally began to rise like the sun again!
Scott and I went through all the details during our initial phone call conversation regarding the loss of his wedding band. The next evening I met up with him at his residence. I was excited to help solve this mystery and try to recover his beloved sentimental keepsake for him!
Even though Scott concluded that his ring must have gone missing during the time of the landscaping project, there was no concrete evidence that it was outside. Some stories end up concluding that the person returns into the house and they had washed their hands off and the ring slips off their finger at that moment. In this case, I would be blindly searching based on Scott’s hunch. Also, the mind will try to play tricks on you when you’re metal detecting for someone like this client because you constantly face doubts about one’s recollection of events that took place long ago. In addition to that, the gentleman had already used a metal detector in his attempts to locate the missing band. Though he’s not a professional detectorist, some will get lucky from time to time. That meant that the odds were less in our favor that I might recover the ring based on the number of previous recovery efforts made.
After Scott showed me all of the places where he walked to and from the truck and where he dumped the bags of mulch, I returned to the car to gather up my detecting equipment. I started the search on Scott’s property right where his truck backed up onto his lawn. It was pretty cold outside, yet my adrenalin had kicked in and I was ready for battle!
For approximately 45 minutes to an hour, I checked the front lawn, the flower beds, all around the trees and the side of the house that was adjacent to the neighbor’s property. I got target signals alright but when I dug up the objects that were just below the surface, all that I found were bottle caps, soda can pull tabs and random pieces of aluminum.
I detected every spot that was even a small possibility of where Scott’s ring could have ended up. When I finished the yard and areas near the sidewalk, it was time to take the search over to the neighbor’s property. My client had already been given permission for me to detect the next door neighbor’s front and side yards.
The first sections of the adjacent property that I conquered were the flowerbeds on either side of the neighbor’s front walkway. The mulch had been laid everywhere in these regions. Except for electrical interference from the house and some pieces of miscellaneous metal found just below the surface, there wasn’t anything more to boast about finding. Next, I moved back down the hill to a grassy strip of land that started at the street and led up the driveway. I concluded that that piece of land was also free of any buried jewelry. I slowly and methodically continued my grid search up the grassy knoll along side the driveway. My plan was to detect from the concrete to about 20 feet out into the lawn for the whole distance leading up to the front walkway. I thought that it made logical sense that the ring could have fallen off Scott’s finger as he carried bags of mulch up the hill and over to the flower beds near the front of his neighbor’s house.
Little by little I moved my way up the knoll. I got a number of decent signals which led me to lift up the earth in a few spots just to make sure that I didn’t miss the wedding band. However, nothing of interest was discovered. It was not until I was about halfway up the driveway, just inches from the concrete, that I got a very curious target signal. The object appeared to be buried perhaps 1.5 to 2 inches below the surface. It was showing up on my detector screen as a potential gold type object. I knelt down and proceeded to take a look at what my metal detector had located. Next, I took my handheld metal detector out (called a pinpointer), as well as my digging trowl and I centered in on where exactly the target was buried. Then, I cut below the surface to bring up that section of earth to investigate. At first, I was not seeing what my detectors were picking up. I used the pinpointer again to locate the piece of metal and then all of a sudden my eyes became fixated on a gold colored object that was just barely peaking through the earth that I had dug up! I looked closer and there it was! It was a gold wedding band! My heart lit up so brilliantly at my discovery! I could not have been more excited at that moment! This piece of jewelry had been buried for a good long while and it really made its way down below the earth quite a bit more than I would have expected! I find rings that are buried for one or more years and they sometimes don’t make their way down into the ground as this one ended up! It really depends on the type of earth that you are dealing with and the region that you are searching in. I was so happy! It was late, completely dark outside, cold as ice and the ring could have been anywhere (inside or outside)! And yet I end up finding the band on Scott’s neighbor’s property! I was looking down at the very spot where it had dropped over a year ago and it would now finally be returned to its proper owner’s finger! I couldn’t wait to break the news! My successful search was finally over!
Once I took a few photos of the ring which was left in the very position where I discovered it, I had the honor and privilege to reveal my find with Scott! It was definitely a moment to remember! He was beyond surprised and completely blown away by where I found it! With all of the searching that he had done over the past year (using metal detectors and giving it his all), he was so happy that he called a professional to get the job done! Finally, after all of this time, Scott slid the very handsome and extremely sentimental ring back on his finger! His wife was just as excited to learn that the ring that she had presented to Scott on their wedding day would not be lost forever, but that it was finally unearthed and returned home once again!
If you would like to view the SEARCH VIDEO and the fantastic RING REVEAL pertaining to this search, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and you will be notified when the search video is uploaded onto YouTube.
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