Linda called me the other day and told me that her father had lost his gold ring with diamonds while gardening in his back yard in Beverly Hills. We made arrangements for me to go search that coming Sunday. I drove out there early Sunday morning and talked with her and her father to determine the most likely place the ring was lost, after ruling out one side of the yard, I began scanning the top and the side of bushes with my detector, I heard a faint signal on the side of the bushes, so I took out my hand held pinpointer then heard a good signal about 4 inches in, I placed a sifting screen on the ground at the side of the bushes about a foot in, I shook the bushes and no longer heard the signal, so I pulled out the screen, and there was a beautiful diamond ring shining in the sunlight. Soon after my recovery, Linda’s dad had his very sentimental ring back on his hand. I was so happy to be able to help such a nice family. They even repaired a cold refreshing plate of fruit for me before my long drive home.