#Kennebunkport Maine Metal Detector Rental Tag | Page 5 of 5 | The Ring Finders

Property Markers Found In Saco, Maine With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I had received a call last week from Kathleen and her husband Bob. They were interested in finding their property markers that they hadn’t seen since the home was built, 30 years ago, here in Saco. We made an appointment for me to search for the markers for today, 10/11/23.

I showed up promptly at the agreed upon time and both Kathleen and Bob were there to greet me. The 1st marker we searched for was the right front corner of the house, as you faced it. When I turned the detector on, it went haywire, with it constantly going off and I couldn’t get a good signal. I was then told all the utility wires were buried there. I made an adjustment to the detector, still no help. I tried another detector, still lots of interference.

So, Bob suggested we check the front left of the home, near the culvert. Thankfully, no interference but lots and lots of iron objects were being dug. Nails, pipes and iron objects we didn’t even recognize. Bob then told me when the house was built, it was the last house on the street and where the property marker was , there was not a road or culvert yet. When the housing development expanded, a road and culvert were put in and those improvements were done with fill. Could the property marker been moved and or buried with all the infrastructure improvements? Not sure but after many, many iron objects and no marker, Bob and Kathleen suggested we go to the back, wooded area of the property and search for those. We started on the right backside of the property and after digging a few iron objects, we thankfully found the marker. We then went to the back left side of the property, the same side as the culvert, and Bob and Kathleen were not very optimistic about finding this one because along the small stream, many large trees had come down and according to Bob, the stream looks like it has been altered some, by the downed trees. We did our due diligence and search up and down the banks of the stream, without any luck. Could the marker be under one of the fallen trees or swept away by the stream changing course? Not sure but it was not in the area they thought it would be.

I decided to try looking for the 1st marker, near the buried utility wires. This time, knowing where the back right marker was, I searched about 10 feet to the left of where I had been searching earlier. This area lined up better with the back property marker and thankfully, there was no interference from the utility wires. Our 1st target turned out to be a nail. Our second target was exactly what we were looking for. The property marker had been found. Bob tells me that the city is coming out in the next month or so to do some culvert work, after all the heavy rain we have had the year. When the city is working in the culvert, Bob will measure from his other front marker and find the exact area of the missing marker. Hopefully when the culvert is being worked on, the city will take some of the fill out. At that point, I will return and see if it is still buried or still to deep from the fill that was placed on top of it. Kathleen and Bob were both very pleased at the outcome and can’t wait until I return.

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Men’s 14K Wedding Ring Lost on Old Orchard Beach, Maine Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I received a call from William on Monday morning, 9/11/23. William had lost his 14K wedding ring, the previous night, as he and his wife Sarah, enjoyed their last evening in Old Orchard Beach, Maine.  After leaving a local restaurant, William and Sarah returned to their oceanfront hotel for their last night in town and decided to sit on the beach and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful views, around 8:30pm to 9:00pm. When they decided to go back to their room, they were covered in sand, from where they were sitting. William brushed off the sand from both his and Sarah’s pants. Once they got back to their room, William noticed he was no longer wearing his wedding ring. He and Sarah immediately went back down to the beach to search for the ring, but with no luck. William then tore his hotel room apart, praying it was in the room, but still no luck. They both searched the beach again, the next morning,  9/11/23, still no success. William then called me after receiving a couple of very strong recommendations and referrals.
I told William that I would be right there to meet him, as I live less than 5 miles from their current location and being retired, I am able to just get up and leave. He and Sarah needed to start their 5 hour drive back to Sherbrooke, Quebec but would stay to show me the location. Once I arrived, about 10 minutes later, William showed me the area where he thought they were sitting but it now looked different because of the daylight and the tide was different. I searched the area where they thought they were sitting but absolutely nothing. He then said they 1st went to a bench and then moved down to the sand. Still nothing around the bench. At this point, I knew I would need to perform a grid of an area of about 75’ X 75’. I started near the bench and searched down to the high tide line, then back up to the sea grass, turn around and back to the high tide line, etc.. I was finding the usual trash of pull tabs and tent stakes but not much else. After about an hour and as I was at the top of the slope, heading to the high tide line. I received a very loud low tone on my Minelab CTX-3030. VDI screen was reading a very solid 12-24. I stuck my pinpointer into the dry sand and found my target. I caught a small glimpse of yellow and I just had to break out in a big smile. I pulled the ring out of the sand, turned around to show William and Sarah, who were now sitting in the sand up near the sea grass and said, “I got it”. As William saw the ring, he jumped up and said “No Way” and broke out in a smile from ear to ear. He then came over to where I was and we shared a nice big enthusiastic high five. The ride back to Sherbrooke, Quebec just became much more bearable. A Beautiful Day indeed

Platinum Wedding Ring Lost On Goose Rocks Beach Kennebunkport, Maine Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

At 11:30am on August 11,2023, I received a text that stated a wedding ring had been lost at Goose Rocks Beach, in Kennebunkport, Maine. And then “Are you able to help”? I immediately called back and told him I absolutely could  help. I asked if the ring had been lost in the water or the dry sand? Up on the beach in the dry sand, was his reply. He then told me that she had 3 rings in the pocket of her beach dress and they had fallen out. Two of the rings had been found already, one in the sand and another had landed on a beach chair. However, a wedding ring was still missing and was not found by anyone in the group. I told him that I would leave immediately and be there in 30 minutes +- a few minutes. He texted me the GPS address and my wife and I were off to Kennebunkport. We arrived at the address in about 25 minutes and was met at the address by Chip. Chip explained that the family was still at the beach, which is just down the block and across the street, a 5 minute walk. Once we arrived at on the beach, Chip and Allie (owner of the lost wedding ring, explained how the rings had been lost and where within the 10’ X 15’ area they thought the ring was lost. I fired up the Minelab CTX-3030 and made my first swing.  At the end of the very 1st swing, I received a nice low tone and a 12-05 reading on the CTX-3030. I then asked Allie what type of metal the ring was made of. Platinum was her reply and I told her that this target was promising. I pulled out my pin pointer and located the target. I then moved some sand away with my hand, felt around and pulled out The Platinum Wedding Ring. Allie was very happy and relieved to have her ring back and I also had a big smile that I am still wearing.