Green Bay team effort leads to missionary's ring recovery!

  • from Green Bay (Wisconsin, United States)

On June 29th, I received a call from a young man who was working in town with a mission group.  They were helping a person with some home improvements.  It was an entire team of young people who had traveled from Indiana to Wisconsin to do good works.  The temperature was in the mid-90’s.   I drove to the property and searched the yard for a few an hour and 1/2, but the heat was killing me.  I’m no spring chicken!  My car temp was 101F!   So, I told the young man that I would alert my local metal detecting club and someone would help.  I have a lot of faith in them, but his face fell because his team had to leave in the morning.  He didn’t believe anyone would come out in the sweltering heat.  I left and went home to drink a lot of water!

Paul Ehrfurth responded, and also took about 90 minutes to search.  But, he had the chance to search the lawn curb area more once the van had left.  There it was!  Soon it was back where it belonged, and the day was saved!  Smiles all around.   Paul nearly melted, but he didn’t give up!   It’s good to have backups.  The guys in the club believe strongly in returning wedding rings!

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