Tungsten Carbide Ring found in grass .. Cypress, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)





















Thursday 7-09-15

Troy called me in the late afternoon. He wanted to know if a metal detector would be able to find a tungsten carbide ring. My answer was yes, then I asked him if he planned on renting or buying a metal detector? I explained to him if he hasn’t operated a metal detector, there are many factors to overcome to have a successful search. Parks and yards can have a metallic trash and/ or electrical interference, especially bothersome with the more inexpensive metal detectors. I told him I could help him find his ring and made him a offer he could not refuse. When I arrived Troy showed me an area where he thought it had fallen out of his pocket. He had spent several hours searching on his hands and knees. He also raked the area hoping to pull it up. It was a small area with thick deep grass. Starting my grid during the first five feet, I received quite a few false signals mixed with deeper good metallic signals. My detector does give me approximate depth reading and a number that gives me a general idea of the type of metal it has detected. After a few minutes Troy approached me to tell me that the ring was actually thrown not dropped. I thanked him, assuring him that this happens more than he would ever believe. It did change my search plan, because the ring could have hit a tree or sidewalk bouncing in a odd direction. I spent about 20 minutes searching outside the area he thought it might be hiding. My next plan was to change my search coil to a 6″ instead of my 11″ coil. Then retrace my search area where there was more trash and electrical interference. Before I made the change, I did a couple quick swings over that spot. Mixed in with several signals I could see a 12-29 reading at 2″ deep. It just flashed on my detector screen for a second. When I put my pinpointer into the grass I got a good signal, but I had to strain my eyes to see the black/gray ring deep in the grass. Troy’s wife was near, so I called her over show her how well it was hidden. Troy was surprised and told me that he had not believed that I could find it with a metal detector. Another successful day for TheRingFinders.

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