Rick Browne from the Ring Finders gave me a call late last night, and asked if I wanted to jump in on a ring find that was lost earlier in the day. Of course I said, what time, where, and can we go rite now? He laughed, and said let’s do it very early in the morning before the crowd shows up. I agreed… So in the early morning darkness, I was off and got to his house before he even opened up his garage door. Loaded up and off we went. When we got to the beach, Jay had not showed up there yet. As we hung for a few minutes, Rick said lets go and see if we can get it before he gets here… We marked out the area that Jay had drawn out on the mapped area, where he new it flew from his finger when playing football the day before… Rick started to grid one way, and I the other… I literally took two swings and got a signal, stopped, and dug the ring… I looked over to Rick and said OK lets go… He laughed and said what a team… Ring in scoop and plenty of time to play till Jay and his daughter showed up… Rick met up with him before myself and gave him the great news… It’s so rewarding to hand back an item thought to be lost forever… P.S. Get that ring sized… LOL

Wedding Band Returned

Emma & Dad (Jay)

Leighton (Jay)

Leighton (Jay) Rick
Commentaires fermés sur Wedding Band (Football Game)Dennis, Cape Cod Mass.