Okanagan Lake lost ring found and returned.

  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

I just got home from 3 hours of swinging my detector in Okanagan lake when there was a phone call and an email from Jaime that she had lost her ring in the Lake. She was at the Doggie Park throwing sticks for her 2 dogs Tosh and Reo  when her ring caught on the stick and went into the water. I met her at the park within 30 minutes and she showed me the location of the throw, I knew from experience that this part of the lake is littered with metal junk but figured a gold ring should be an easy find. On my first sweep one way with no obvious good target, I did a sweep the other way and dug every signal. After 90 minutes and a bag full of junk I was starting to get discouraged, but I knew the ring had to be there, so after searching the beach I widened my search in the water away from the target area and within 10 more minutes we had the ring, persistence pays. Jamie had sentimental feelings for the ring as it was handed down to her from her Auntie, she learned that when throwing sticks into the water do not wear your rings.

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One Reply to “Okanagan Lake lost ring found and returned.”

  1. Jaime dit :

    No amount of words that I have could properly thank Ken for finding my ring. It is a native carved wrap humming bird ring that my aunt Allison gave to me for grade 12 graduation. A ring that I could never find a replacement for.
    I was out at the beach tossing sticks for my two dogs who absolutely love the water when I felt the ring being tugged off by a knob on the stick. Automatically I slid my thumb to my ring finger to feel for the ring already my heart had sank because I knew that I wouldn’t find it there. That particular evening the wind was blowing and the waves were crashing on the beach. There would be no chance to find the ring as I couldn’t even recall hearing a splash in the water giving the rings general direction. Out of chance it didn’t go far my husband and I scoured the surrounding beach with no luck. The next morning bright and early I went back to the beach with a rake but I knew that with the crashing of the waves and the water movement I wouldn’t find it without more help. I reached out on FB and a friend directed me to Ring Finders. The next day Ken found my ring with his underwater metal detector (and a lot of garbage… so sad) in the Okanagan lake. It wasn’t an easy find because I didn’t really know where it was, just where I was when I lost it. Ken wouldn’t give up until he found it! Thank you so much Ken!! You are amazing!!

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