Jon Baughman, a Ring Finder, received an email about a lost silver cross necklace somewhere in his back yard. He was adding a patio on the back on his house. During his work he was using a skid steer to move dirt away from the house and also use a compactor to compact the gravel by the house as he lost his silver cross necklace somewhere throughout the day which was handed down from his grandma. All of the dirt was mud which has harden to almost undigable ground. After searching in the dirt with only finding nails and strap tin from the house construction. I expanded my search to the next area which is compacting. And there the silver cross necklace hiding in the grass right as he started compacting. He was very happy that I was able to find the lost silver cross necklace that he almost started to cry in joy.

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Silver Cross Necklace in Delaware, OH. “FOUND”
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