Jim Wren, Author at The Ring Finders | Page 23 of 25

14K White Gold Engagement Ring Lost in the Surf – Found and Returned Myrtle Beach S

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I received an e-mail from Mandy F. asking if I might be able to help her find her engagement ring that she lost in the surf on Saturday during her Bachelorette party. In her e-mail she stated they stayed in North Myrtle Beach but the resort she mentioned was located in Myrtle Beach. I e-mailed her back asking her to call me so I could get additional details and confirm whether the resort she had been staying at was in Myrtle Beach or North Myrtle Beach.  While I was waiting for her call, Matt Fry TRF Myrtle Beach called and asked if I had seen the listing on Craigslist about a lost engagement ring in North Myrtle Beach. After some discussion we concluded that my e-mail and the Craigslist ad was one in the same lost ring. Shortly after we hung up, Mandy called and gave me all the details which included the address for the resort which ended up being in Myrtle Beach (Matt’s area).

I called Matt back and we arranged to meet and do a combined search. We worked about 2 hours doing both north/south and east/west grids and leap frogging each other working our way north along the beach. In Mandy’s description of her location she said she was staying in one of the resorts but when her mother, friends and her went out to the beach they moved farther south because of the large crowds behind her resort. Unfortunately there were 3 or 4 resorts in a row that were associated with each other and had the same name in some variation. As a process of elimination we wanted to make sure we covered as much as we could before the tide came in and hampered our search areas plus it started pouring down rain. As Matt was moving ahead of me he was working the surf line with the incoming tide and I saw him walking up the beach with a scoop of sand, look at me and nod his head, I knew instantly that he had the ring. He had the ring cleaned off by the time I got to him. Matt and I stopped for a late lunch and called Mandy. She was ecstatic and couldn’t believe we had found it. She said she thought it was lost forever. I took a picture of her ring and sent it to her and got the following text back « Omg!!!! That’s my baby, God bless you so much!!!! You guys are truly Angels ». How can it possibly get any better than that, getting someone’s treasure back to them. Wow!!!

I’m putting the ring in the mail tomorrow so she can get it in time for her wedding in less than 2 weeks.

Mandy and James, Matt and I wish you the very best on your future and pray all your dreams come true.

Matt, as always you came through again. Many thanks for your help on this one and getting the job done!!!!


Mandy F. Mandy F.'s Ring

Please call a member of TheRingFinders.com directory as soon as possible after losing your valued treasure so we can get it back to you where it belongs.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Man’s 14K White Gold Wedding Band Lost in Surfside SC – Found and Returned

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a text message about 8:30 this evening from Laura M. asking if I could help find her husband’s wedding band that he lost in the surf. I called her right back and got the location and description and was on my way.

I got there an hour later and met both Laura and her husband Chris and they showed me the part of the beach where the ring had come off Chris’ finger.  They went on to tell me this was the first day of their big family vacation and were here from Anchorage, AK. Chris had lost the ring roughly 1.5 hours after high tide and by the time I got there it was low tide so I was in luck of finding it without getting wet. I started my grid search about the mid tide line and worked towards the surf for about 30 minutes with no luck. I then started working the grid from the mid tide line towards the dry sand. About 15 minutes later and 3 grid lines I had a great shallow signal. One scoop and I had his ring in my hand. I cleaned the ring off, put it back in my scoop and walked back over to Chris and his wife and asked him to describe his ring. As he’s describing it I turned my headlamp on, pointed it in the scoop and asked « does it look like this ». Bam, I think all 3 of us dropped a tear or two.

There’s just no words to explain the feeling of returning someone’s treasure that they thought was gone forever.

Chris and Laura, you’re a beautiful and awesome couple and thank you so much for trusting in me to find your lost treasure and for the very generous reward. Have a great vacation and a very safe trip home.


Chris and Laura Mosher Chris' Ring

If you lose your treasure call a member from the directory in TheRingFinders.com web site.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Sentimental Crucifix LOST, FOUND and RETURNED – North Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Thursday, April 14th, I made contact with Joseph D. after receiving a referral that he had lost a very sentimental Crucifix and gold chain the previous weekend. I found out Joseph was down on a mini-vacation with other students from Wake Forrest and lost his item in about a 50 ft radius from the beach access ramp.

I arrived about 6pm and did a grid search for 3.5 hours with no luck finding the crucifix, although I found a ton of “items” that the college students had left behind. I showed up again on Friday about noon to see at least 300 plus students from Virginia Tech having their little vacation in exactly the same spot, so I went back home. By 5pm I figured most of the students were probably off the beach so I headed back to another ton of “items” on the beach. Luckily I ran into a couple who asked me the typical questions about metal detecting and I told them what I was there for. The female spoke up and said that someone from their group had found a crucifix Thursday afternoon, what’s the chances, uh?? I found out a student by the name of Chris had possession of the crucifix and the male of the couple text him to come to the beach. Chris showed up in about 5 minutes and I matched it against a picture that Joseph had sent me. Perfect match!! Chris agreed to turn it over to me after he made sure no one in his group had lost it and that we’d talk the next day.  About 12:30 on Saturday I get a text from Chris that no one in his group had lost the crucifix and he’d turn it over. I had taken a picture of the crucifix the day before and sent it to Joseph letting him know about the situation which he didn’t have a big problem with. So after Chris gave me the crucifix I called Joseph and told him I’ve got it and it’ll be in the mail on Monday to his house. He was ecstatic!!!

Fast forward to this weekend when Joseph finally made it back home from college and had the crucifix back in his hands. Unfortunately his gold chain wasn’t found but he had the thing he wanted the most.

Joseph, best of luck to you and thanks for trusting in me to find your crucifix.


Joseph D. Joseph's Crucifix

If you lost your sentimental and treasured item contact a member listed in TheRingFinders.com directory for your area to help get your item found.

Thanks for reading my blog.

14K Yellow and White Gold Diamond Ring Lost in the Sand – Found North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a call from Kelly R. this morning after he found me thru TheRingFinders web site asking if I could help find his ring that was extremely sentimental to him. He said the ring had his mother’s wedding ring stone included in the setting. He also said he had taken his ring off at the beach and placed it in his hat but forgot about it and it fell out somewhere in the sand.

I and my wife were on a little mini vacation and about 2 hours away so I wasn’t able to get to the beach for a few hours. When I arrived I met Kelly on the beach and he gave me an area about 30X20 yards to search. After 40 minutes and 8 passes in the grid – BINGO!! I walked back over to where Kelly was sitting on the beach and ask him to explain the details to me one more time. As he’s talking I held the ring up so he’d see it as he’s talking and Bam – I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody move so quickly. There were a few beach goers sitting around watching and they broke out in applause and I got a number of very sincere hugs from Kelly. I love doing what I do and that’s bringing smiles back to people’s faces.

Kelly, thank you for trusting in me to find your lost treasure and for the very generous reward. Best of luck to you in all your future endeavors!!!


Kelly's Smile  Kelly's Ring2

Remember, if you lose a special treasure, contact a member in TheRingFinders.com directory in your area. We’re here to help bring back those treasures.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Wedding and Engagement Ring Lost in the Surf – FOUND and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a call from Matt at 7 this morning asking if I could help try and find his wife (Denise’s) wedding and engagement ring set she lost yesterday afternoon in waist deep water.

I got there about an hour later and Matt showed me the area and gave me a great description of where Denise was at when the ring came off. I started my grid and after 30 minutes I reevaluated where I was searching in comparison with the time and tide when she lost it. I moved up the beach, started a new grid and after another 30 minutes got a great signal. Bingo!!! Met Matt and Denise inside the hotel they were staying at because a heavy storm with lightening had come up and it wasn’t a good idea to be standing on the beach with metal in my hands.

Denise’s expression says it all and she stated « I thought I’d never see it again. » There is absolutely nothing better than finding someone’s special treasure that they thought was gone forever.

Matt and Denise thank you for trusting me to find your treasure and for the very generous reward. Enjoy the rest of your vacation with piece of mind.


Denise's Ring Denise Derrerm 5-3-16

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IPhone FOUND and Returned – North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On April 14th, I had received a request from a Wake Forrest student to help find a sentimental item that he had lost on the beach. While I was out there searching I found an iPhone that was buried a few inches in the sand. I didn’t think much about it at the time and put it in my pocket and continued the task at hand.

After I got home I checked the phone and was surprised that it powered up with 5% power left, I stuck my charger on it for the night and the next morning had 100% power – good start to a great day!! I was able to access the phone without having to put a security code in so I checked out the phone contacts and found “Mom”. I had to use my phone to call mom because the found cell phone had been deactivated. After I introduced myself and told her where I was calling from she immediately said “you found the phone”. Come to find out her son, Jake, also attends Wake Forrest and was enjoying a little school vacation in North Myrtle Beach. Mom introduced herself as Laura and after getting her mailing address I got the cell phone wrapped up and in the mail. I texted her yesterday and found out the phone had shown up and all was good.

You can tell by Jake’s smile he’s happy to have it back.

Jake   iPhone

Thanks for reading my blog!!!

Remember, if you’ve lost your special ring or other valued treasure contact a Ring Finder member in your area through the TheRingFinders.com Directory.


The importance of getting your lost treasure found quickly – North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got an e-mail from a gentleman asking if I’d help try and find his College ring, no problem I thought and then he gave me the details. Him and his buddies were here on a golf vacation and playing golf at one of the many golf courses in the area. He gave me an excellent description of where he was pretty sure the ring fell out of one of the pockets of his golf bag,  the only problem was he had lost it a little over 3 weeks ago.

Ok, lost 3 weeks ago in the rough, there might be a chance it’s still there so off I went. After about 20 minutes searching the rough in the area he gave me, I expanded the search out to cover about half the fairway. Bam, I got a pretty good shallow signal, used my pin pointer to zero in on the signal and there was a small piece of his college ring. I continued searching hoping to find the rest of the ring or maybe another piece or two – no luck!! I’m confident that his ring got caught up in a lawn mower and destroyed. I took a picture of what I found and sent it to him and then called him. He took it well saying at least he can put closure to his ring. Tough call none the less.

There’s no way to know if he had called sooner the outcome would have been different but it makes the point that the sooner a call is made to get help the better the outcome may be. This holds true whether the lost item is at the beach, in the ocean or lake, golf course or your own back yard. Call a member from TheRingFinders.com directory as soon as you realize your item is missing.

No smiles to post but here’s a piece of his ring.

Tim's ring

Lost House Key – Found, Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I received a forwarded text message through my daughter at about 8:30pm Christmas Eve from her friend Tiffany asking if I could help her friend Mistie find a lost house key. In the text was Mistie’s phone number so I called her. Mistie told me she was a pet sitter and had just taken care of one of her client’s pet and on her way to her car dropped the owner’s house key in the thick grass.

I arrived and met Mistie at the gated community about 45 minutes later and followed her to the house. She showed me the approximate location of where she thought the key was and about 5 swings and a minute later I had a good solid 65 on my AT Pro. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my pin pointer so I was sitting on the sidewalk feeling through the thick grass and found the key about 5 inches off the sidewalk.

Mistie was so relieved and excited to call the owners, who were on vacation in Atlanta, GA, to let them know their key had been found.

Merry Christmas Mistie and thank you for the very generous reward.

MistieLost Key

Man’s Wedding Band Lost in the Surf – Found and Returned at Sunset Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I saw and responded to a posting on Craigslist about a Man’s lost wedding band. Not hearing anything back and having some spare time I decided to go ahead and conduct a couple of searches hoping I’d find it to return. Two days later I received an e-mail from Aimee saying her and her husband Steven would love my help. After exchanging e-mails and her telling me that Steven had been skim boarding in a 2 block area instead of the smaller area described in the CL posting I knew I’d need some help.

I contacted my son-in-law Donnie, who had helped me on a few other searches, and asked him if he wanted to help me again. About 3 hours later we were on the beach to catch the 2am low tide. I sent him south to cover one block while I headed north to cover the second block. Because of the full moon and the higher than normal tides my calculations of the general area of the beach the ring should have been were off by a number of yards. After a little more than 2 hours of searching Donnie started waving his flashlight to get me attention. I walked the block to catch up to him and I asked him if he’d found it. His response was “I think so” and handed me the ring. Bingo we had a match between the ring in hand and the picture of the ring in the CL post.

I contacted Aimee this morning and she couldn’t have been more excited that Steven’s ring had been found after being lost for 5 days in the sand. Luckily they were still in the area so I took the ring to them.

You can tell by the smiles on their faces that they’re one happy couple.

Steven and Aimee – thank you for trusting me to find and return your lost treasure. Good luck in your future endeavors.

A special thanks to Donnie for his help once again – he’s turning into one great partner!

Steve and Aimee LathSteve Lath's Ring

Thank you for reading my blog.


Husband’s Silver Wedding Band Lost in the Sand – Found. North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a very nervous phone call from Londa about 1130pm on Oct 22, 2015 asking if I could help find her husband Wayne’s wedding band that he lost in the sand. She said they had just gotten married the day before and were on their honeymoon from Lexington NC. She went on to say that they were sitting on the beach and when her husband stood up he was cleaning the sand off himself and shook his hands when his ring went flying. I told her I’d be there in less than 30 minutes.

When I arrived she met me in the parking lot and we headed to the sand. As I got to the beach I saw Wayne with a flashlight looking for his ring. Thankfully, Londa had already drew a line in the sand showing me where they were sitting. Wayne showed me where he was standing when the ring came off his finger so I started my grid. By his description I figured the ring would have gone towards the ocean but actually ended up closer to the dunes. It took me about 5 minutes to find it and I let Wayne pick it out of the scoop. Needless to say they were one happy couple!!! This will be one more memory in a long life together.

Londa did everything right by calling very shortly after Wayne lost his ring and by marking off the area he lost it in.

Wayne and Londa, Thank you very much for the generous reward.

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