Sunday evening, I got a text from Ron. He was working in his backyard and had lost his gold wedding ring. Since it was on his property, we agreed to meet in the morning to look for it.
I arrived at Ron’s home, where beautiful oak trees, adorned with Spanish moss, dotted the property. Ron took me to the back of the lot and showed me an area with some planting beds adjacent to a fence and storage area. He said he felt it fly but searched and raked to no avail.
I fired up the Minelab Manticore and started the search at the East end of the planting beds. There were lots of targets, so I decide to walk and cover the entire area without investigating any of the hits. As I got between the West of the planting bed and the storage area…something caught my eye! I was looking at the twinkling of the gold ring in the sun.
This ring representing twenty-six years of marriage was a sight find! I gave the ring to the happy owner! God is good.
Edward Duffey, member,
If you’ve lost a ring or other valuable item anywhere in Central Florida, call Detector Ed ( at 757-419-0299 for the best chance of having it safely returned to you! Maybe a class ring lost in your backyard years ago…there still may be hope of finding it…give me a call!
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