Early Friday morning, I got a text from Clay. He was in town for the Daytona races and had played a round of golf the day before. Sometime between the first and fourth hole, his 14-karat gold wedding ring had slipped out of his pocket and vanished. Only married three months, he did not tell his new bride Maddie.
I told him that when it comes to lost items, time is of the essence. We agreed to meet up soon after. I grabbed my Minelab Manticore and pinpointer, loaded them into my vehicle, and headed out. As I drove, I silently prayed that God would guide me to Clay’s ring.
We met at the clubhouse and began retracing his steps, methodically checking each spot where he had parked and every tee box where he had played. We even scanned the exact areas where he had taken his shots. But after thoroughly combing through it all…no ring. Not willing to give up, we decided to backtrack from the third hole to the first, making sure to stay clear of the golfers still on the course.
At one point, Clay suggested, do you mind walking from here? I’ll head to the third hole and work my way toward you. That way, we can check along the path my golf cart took, just in case the ring slipped out while I was driving.
I said, sounds like a plan, and we split up.
I had just finished searching near the second tee box and was making my way toward the third hole along the edge of the cart path when my detector gave a strong, promising signal. I bent down, brushed aside the grass, and there it was gleaming in the sunlight, half-hidden but unmistakable. Clay’s beautiful gold wedding ring, waiting to be found. God is good!
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