Lost Silver Ring Found and Returned

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

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Joyce was dead heading her flowers on her second floor deck and was tossing them over the deck railing, you get the picture, the Ring went with it. Joyce enquired about renting a metal detector and was told they are not easy to use, they take much practice.

Joyce Kopan Emailed after her sister saw the article in the Saanich News about my metal detecting. I called her and arranged a meeting after the rains stopped, it had been three weeks so a few more days would not change too much.

Well today the Sun came out and I headed over to Joyce’s house. After a quick demonstration on how and where Joyce lost her ring I got to work.

There was far too much junk in the ground to use my detector so I got on hands and knees and used my pin-pointer. After about twenty minutes I moved to the neighbors yard , Bingo I found it.

Joyce was so happy she had to hug me, thanks Joyce, I enjoyed this hunt!


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2 Replies to “Lost Silver Ring Found and Returned”

  1. Good find… now you may want to get a better camera for those close up shots…Keep up the good work..

  2. Joyce Kopan dit :

    Thank you Don!
    You’re awesome!
    The ring was not valuable $ wise, but meant a lot to me in memories.
    Hugs to you.

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