Wedding ring found Crystral Lake Beulah, Michigan

Wedding ring found Crystral Lake Beulah, Michigan

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

This short adventure started with a call from Nate. He stated he lost his Wedding ring in the sand at a private beach. He was sitting in a chair and noticed his ring missing. Nate was not available to meet me at the location but his Wife Erica was able to.

I meet Erica at the location she took me to the spot on the beach that Nate was sitting. I turned on the CTX3030 started to scan a circle around the chairs. After walking about 3 feet I got a nice solid 12.30 on the CTx3030. Sifted through the sand with my pinpointer and found the ring. It took about 30 seconds.



4 Replies to “Wedding ring found Crystral Lake Beulah, Michigan”

  1. Gregg Larabel dit :

    Good job Clare!

  2. clare dit :

    Thanks Greg

    Finally warmed up so the call are starting.

  3. Chuck Raison dit :

    You dont get the under 5 minutes hunts very often. Way to go.👍

  4. clare winslow dit :

    It is nice to get an easy one once in a while.


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