Sandwich, MA - Lost Wedding Band Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

June 11, 2024

It is the time of the year that lawns need attention, thatching, weeding, seeding, edging etc. As in the case of Ted he had to repair some thin spots in his yard that winter had taken its toll on. Ted had all the right tools and products to bring his yard back to its summer time beauty. The day’s chore was just about complete except for the clean up. The last item to be put away was Ted’s gloves. Off they came and as well, his wedding band.

Hours of searching, retracing his steps, nothing Ted did could find his ring. That was until he reached out for help from TheRingFinders. A few texts and a date and time were exchanged for a search. As the plans were set I reached out to my detecting partner Leighton and all was set. We met at Ted’s home and got the low down on specifics of were he had been working on his yard. The main areas were in the rear and one side of the house.

I chose to start on the rear grassy area and Leighton went to the area around the tool shed. Forty-five minutes had passed and I had only one possible signal, but my detector told me it was too deep to be the ring. Right on, but I just had to see what the target was. As it turned out it was an electrical connector of some type that even Google View has not been able to identify correctly.

I had covered the the rear grassy area twice and then headed to the side yard, mainly a mulch covered area. On my third pass the sweet sound of gold rang in my ears. Looking down I saw the ring, sitting on top of the mulch, no digging needed.

I called Ted over and asked him to pick up the, now located, ring. Joy and happiness was evident. It is such a rewarding feeling to help someone out of a nerve racking time. A bit of talk and and many thanks made for another entry to TheRingFinders’ Book of Smiles.


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One Reply to “Sandwich, MA – Lost Wedding Band Found and Returned”

  1. Rick- I want to thank you and Leighton for coming to my house today. Losing my wedding band was very unsettling and disturbing. The fact that you found it was amazing to me….and my wife is thrilled as well. You guys are true pros and you are very generous with your time and friendly attitudes!! Thanks again.
    Sandwich, MA

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