Should I Rent a Metal Detector?

Charles’ Handsome Classic 14 Karat Gold Wedding Band Shining Bright Once Again After The Ring Finder Member Brian Rudolph Recovered the Special Keepsake in Baltimore, Maryland

A Smiling Face Returns to Charles’ Face as He Holds His Most Prized Sentimental Possession Following its Successful Recovery by Ring Finder Brian Rudolph!
Should I rent a metal detector? That question is asked by thousands of people every year throughout the world. The answer as to whether someone should spend their hard earned money on these borrowed machines is found in this story below.
Call Item Recovery Specialist Brian Rudolph at (301) 466-8644! He Will Find Your Lost Keepsake in Any Environment: Land, Water, Sand, Cliffs, Snow, Leaves, Houses & Vehicles!
Charles called me on the phone with the hope that I could help him find his wedding band. He was only married for three years and his 14 karat yellow gold classic wedding band meant the world to the gentleman.
Charles didn’t know where he lost the extremely sentimental keepsake. His best guess was that it went missing when he was mowing a large section of commercial real estate for an old Baltimore, Maryland friend who’s health was declining. He had cut this particular piece of property for nearly 30 years as a personal favor for his old pal.
During his time working in the grass, Charles would pull clumps of trimmings that accumulated around the blade underneath the mower. He remembered that he didn’t use gloves at various times when he stopped cutting to unclog the machine. Those were the suspected moments when he thought maybe the ring had slipped off of his finger. Also, he said that he could have lost the wedding band when he went to the hardware store to buy some things before heading back to his Silver Spring, Maryland home. Lastly, Charles wasn’t even confident that he hadn’t lost the irreplaceable jewel somewhere in his house! Therefore, the band could have been lost just about anywhere.
You could say that helping this dear elderly gentleman find his keepsake was somewhat of a long shot. After I heard that my client had rented a high quality metal detector and that he unsuccessfully searched the areas where the grass trimmings were pulled from the mower and left on the lawn, I really wasn’t certain that there was much hope in recovering Charles’ « halo of love ». However, I quickly switched attitudes as I reminded myself of a few important points.
Charles may not have found the ring because:
1. Each metal detector has its unique capabilities. Perhaps the rented machine was not able to pick up the ring’s signal.
2. Just because someone rents a metal detector doesn’t mean they will know how to use it.
3. Renting a metal detector limits your search time because one doesn’t want to pay for too many additional days of rental fees. As a result, the search is rushed and many times people miss their sought after target because they were detecting in haste.
Those are 3 reasons why one should not rent a metal detector and instead do what Charles did – hire a professional metal detectorist.
Once I got all of the details about my client’s situation, I set up a time for me to meet Charles out at the search site and see if I could solve this mystery myself. The following day we both traveled nearly an hour to Baltimore, Maryland where I conducted the « investigation ».
My client walked me over to the fairly decent sized plot of land and he showed me exactly where he pulled out all of the clumps of grass trimmings from the bottom section of the lawnmower. I could still see the piles of all of that grass just lying around that area of the property.
Next, I took out my metal detecting equipment and began my first grid line over the area where Charles remembered cleaning out the machine. I believe I was half way across my second pass of the 20 foot by 15 foot section that I started to grid when a fabulous signal could be heard in the headphones and seen on my detector screen.
I immediately knelt down on the grass and used my handheld pinpointer to identify exactly where this particular piece of metal was hiding under all of the blades of green. Then, once I knew for certain where the object had settled, I placed my fingers down below to grab a hold of the mystery item and there I saw its beautiful color! It was gold! Then a circular shape appeared! It was hollow! I found Charles’ beloved classic 14 karat yellow gold wedding band! It had been buried in the grass all of that time and Charles just didn’t pick up the signal or didn’t scan far enough away from the main piles of grass clippings when he utilized the rented machine!
I couldn’t be happier for the retired gentleman. This ring meant so very much to him and to his newlywed bride of only three years! It was a new beginning for him to get married in his latter years and so losing the ring was a real blow to both he and his wife. The couple had another chance to enjoy this precious reflection of their special day of holy matrimony now that I (a professional metal detectorist and proud member of THE RING FINDERS) was able to recover such a priceless « symbol of love »!
When I surprised Charles with the ring he couldn’t contain himself! He was in utter shock! My client’s emotional expressions of amazement and happiness were off the charts! We hugged and thanked the Lord for helping us find what meant so much to Charles and his wife!
So, why rent a metal detector? I wouldn’t waste your time or your money.
Hire a professional metal detectorist.
A professional detectorist (especially a ring finder specialist from the international directory of metal detectorists called THE RING FINDERS):
1. Is familiar with the target signal he is looking for
2. Knows how to use his own equipment
3. Knows how to search everywhere (not just in the obvious places)
3. Owns better equipment than the rentals
4. Will save you time and money in the end
I hope this article helped to answer the question that so many distressed people like Charles ask every day:
Should I rent a metal detector?
My client wished he had known about THE RING FINDERS before he wasted so much of his time, emotions and money!
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