metal detectorist Rockville Maryland Tag | The Ring Finders

Guy’s Lost Wedding Band Found Near Flower Bed by Ring Finder in Rockville, Maryland

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

AJ’s 14 karat white gold wedding band found by professional metal detectorist Brian Rudolph in Rockville, Maryland

AJ’s mother, Maureen, holds up her son’s 14 karat white gold wedding band with a sigh of relief after ring finder recovers it in the grass along the right side of the house

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

AJ had been married for only 3 years when he lost his 14 karat white gold wedding band at his parent’s house in Rockville, Maryland. While visiting his childhood property, he decided to help his folks with was some gardening around the property. By the end of the day, the young man realized that his irreplaceable keepsake was no longer on his finger.

AJ and his wife Jackie searched the flower beds and even in the grass where he was cutting some wood earlier in the day. Unfortunately, all of their efforts to recover the very ring that was put on his finger by Jackie on their very special wedding day led to no avail.

After the couple left the Maryland area to return to their home in Connecticut, AJ’s mother, Maureen, went online to see if she could find a professional metal detectorist who might be able to recover her son’s wedding band. The woman found the elite international directory of metal detectorists called THE RING FINDERS. Shortly thereafter I received a call from the concerned mother and we reviewed the story of the missing ring in full detail.

When I arrived at the Rockville, Maryland home on that very rainy and miserable day, Maureen took me around the parameter of the property and showed me all the places where her son AJ had been working. Then, I gathered up all of my metal detecting gear out of my vehicle and soon started scanning the grass as well as the flower beds for the 14 karat white gold ring.

I am delighted to share that after searching almost every square inch of potential space where AJ had been cutting wood and gardening, I hit a fantastic target signal coming from within the grass, on the right side of the house, less than a foot away from one of the garden beds. I knelt down, and there between the blades of grass I saw AJ’s very handsome symbol of love shining back at me! I was thrilled for the young man and his wife, as well as for my client Maureen who felt kind of guilty that her son lost his ring while trying to do a nice thing for his mother by doing tasks around the property.

As soon as I discovered the lost jewel, I shared my success with Maureen that the search was finally over! Then, the two of us contacted AJ to surprise him with the wonderful news that the ring had been recovered! He was beyond thrilled!

I left the Rockville residence feeling extremely fulfilled within me that I had yet again helped preserve very special memories that were connected with another priceless wedding ring!


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Engagement Ring Lost in Rockville, Maryland House…Found in Laundry Bag

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Debra’s Most Elegant Family Heirloom Engagment Ring!

Debra and Russell Beyond Excited With the Return of Debra’s Precious Sentimental Keepsake!


Debra was beyond distraught after leaving the nail salon and realizing that her 14 karat white gold, 1.5 carat diamond family heirloom engagement ring was no longer on her finger! In a state of panic she tried to replay all of her steps from the time that she had remembered wearing it earlier that day until her moment of shock. Following the return to the nail salon to see if maybe Debra’s most sentimental keepsake slipped off her finger somewhere inside, she realized the enormity of the situation. It wasn’t found nor was it turned in by anyone. She then called a few businesses where she had visited throughout the day, but nothing was discovered. The helplessness that Debra was experiencing was unimaginable. She immediately made up signs and distributed them to the places where the engagement ring may have slipped off her finger. When still nothing became of her valiant efforts, the young lady thought at that point to seek a professional recovery specialist online who could help her during this crisis. She came across THE RING FINDERS, an international metal detectorist directory. Debra was hoping to find a metal detecting service specialist in the Rockville, Maryland area and my information popped up. We immediately made contact and Debra recounted her story from the beginning. Here are all the facts that I gathered by asking her many questions and listening to the countless details of what happened.


For a couple of days during the week, Debra and her family had to stay in a Rockville, Maryland hotel while their home was being renovated. Once the project was completed, the happy couple packed all their things up and looked forward to returning to their newly upgraded residence. Hours later, once all of their bags and suitcases were unloaded from their vehicle and placed back inside their house, Debra left again to take care of some errands for the next several hours.

Debra stopped at three businesses following their return home earlier that afternoon. She first went to the dermatologist. Then, she drove up the street to get coffee at the local Starbucks and hung out there for some time while she did some work on her laptop at one of the tables. Finally, Debra drove to her nail appointment just a few miles away. It wasn’t until after she left the salon and made it back to her vehicle that she realized that her engagement ring was missing. The whole mystery got very complicated because she did not remember the last time that she saw her most priceless family heirloom on her finger! This meant that she could have lost the ring any time between the time she had been staying in the hotel all the way up to when she left the nail salon. Frantically, she made phone calls and visited all of the places that she had been at, but nothing turned up. It was at that point when she went online to search for help and I was beyond happy that she got in touch with me!


After Debra recounted all of the details of what happened from the time she woke up to begin packing up her things at the hotel until the moment that she realized the ring had gone missing, I immediately set up a time to meet Debra out in the parking garage of the dermatologist’s office. The plan was to start there and then work our way over to the nail salon parking lot if we didn’t find it anywhere else. I put aside the idea of going to the hotel because their room had already been cleaned and occupied by new guests. Also, Debra was quite diligent in having the staff check out the room from top to bottom to make sure that her ring didn’t get left sitting on top of a table or desk, or that it didn’t end up on the carpet somewhere in the room. Nothing was reported by the staff so there was no reason to visit the hotel.

Even before Debra and her husband Russell arrived at Search Site #1, I had already started to metal detect the area in the parking garage based on the accurate details that Debra gave me as to where she was parked. I grid searched that entire area and came up with nothing. I used my high lumens headlamp to search the dark area while my metal detector did the rest. But still I came up short. By the time that Debra arrived, the only other place to check on the concrete was the water runoff grate that was located near her vehicle at the time that she visited the dermatologist. We thought that the ring could have rolled down into that space after slipping off of Debra’s finger. I put my endoscope (a device that helps to see between cracks and small spaces) down into the slits of the water runoff drain, but it was free of any jewelry. The next step was to inspect Debra’s vehicle. Just as Russell arrived with their children, I was just taking my faithful endoscope to investigate all of the cracks and crevices in Debra’s SUV. Sadly, nothing turned up there either. I then checked her purse and jacket before concluding that it was time to drive to Search Site #2 which was just a few blocks up the road where the young lady visited a Starbucks. She would meet me at the site while Russell took off again to buy dinner for the kids.

Once we both parked near the coffee shop, Debra showed me where she had pulled in initially, parked and then walked towards the Starbucks. I metal detected that entire section of the parking lot but there was absolutely no ring to be found. We then took the search inside the café and I used my high lumens headlamp to expose any jewelry that may have landed under any of the counters or fell into a crack or crevice where the walls met the hardwood flooring. Again, we ended up completely empty handed. There was a fellow sitting towards the back of the place who recognized my client and asked if we were still looking for her lost ring. He said that he had been in the coffee shop several times since the time he saw her the other day and that nothing had been found or turned in. The management confirmed his account.

Before leaving that plaza, I wanted to check the dumpster where all of the Starbuck’s trash was dumped into just in case her ring landed in her pastry bag when she dropped it into the receptacle before leaving the place. Unfortunately, our plan to check the garbage was compromised when I took a trip to the back of the shopping plaza and saw that the dumpster was actually a crushing machine. There was no way that I could have access to the trash from the day before. At that point there was nothing more that I could do at that particular location, and so it was time to move on to Search Site #3.

Debra gave me the nail salon name and address and so I met her over at the spot in the parking lot where she realized that her ring was no longer on her finger. We got out of our vehicles and Debra retraced her steps by taking me across the lot and over to the front of the salon. Then, we returned back towards where her vehicle had originally been parked. I used my metal detector to cover the parking lot areas where there was a good chance that the ring could have dropped and rolled along the concrete pavement. When all was found to be clear, I scanned the lot spaces over with my headlamp, hoping that I would discover what may had been overlooked by everyone else in the past day. I searched along the walkway leading to the entrance of the salon and again there was nothing positive to report. Sadly, we struck out for a third time. I don’t go down easy without a fight to the finish but this particular search in these three locations were definitely done and over.

Once I finished packing up my car with all of my metal detecting equipment, I walked over to Debra’s vehicle and we stood outside to review everything that we had covered up to that point. My down and distraught client kept a really great attitude the whole time and was quite upbeat. Even at that point she was still trying to look at the bright side regarding the fact that her family was healthy and safe and that she shouldn’t continue to let the situation bother her. However, I kept reminding her that the search was not completely over.

From everything that Debra had told me from the beginning when she and her husband packed their suitcases up to leave the hotel, all the way until she realized her ring was gone at the nail salon I felt that something didn’t completely add up. She did say that her ring was loose on her finger, which led me to believe that if she didn’t remember taking the ring off at the dermatologist or even at the nail salon, it was quite possible that the ring was still in her possession and that it had never slipped off her finger at any of her stops that day. I actually reminded her of this fact throughout our investigation starting at the dermatologist’s parking garage. I then reminded her again at the Starbucks and finally while we were searching the salon parking lot, I told her that same theory again. Now it was time to encourage her with that same hunch once again just before we would say goodbye for the evening.

I told Debra that it was very possible that the ring slipped off of her finger while she was packing up her things and placing her clothes inside her suitcase and laundry bag back at the hotel. Or, the sentimental piece could have slipped off of Debra’s finger back at home while transferring clothes from one place to the other just before leaving to do some of her errands. When she was at her own property she had mentioned that she had done very little checking for the ring inside her suitcase and what was placed in the clothes hamper bag to be washed. I believed that it was a good chance that Debra might find the ring somewhere buried in the suitcase or in something that had already been transferred into their hamper before she left to go take care of her errands. I considered this to be a viable scenario because if the ring was as loose as she told me it was, I didn’t think it would have survived staying on her finger throughout the day. With all of the physical movements that were made from the time she started packing her things up until she got home and began to unpack a few things, there was a very high probability that the ring was still waiting for her to discover it back in her home.

Debra appreciated my hopeful words and thoughts and she promised that she would let me know if anything turned up. I asked her if it was okay if we said a prayer, asking the Lord to lead her to the ring if in fact the piece of jewelry never left her house from the time that she had returned home from the hotel. She gladly welcomed my prayer and we bowed our heads there in the parking lot. Then, once I finished asking the Lord to guide her to the ring, I requested one last thing of her. I asked if she would call me if she found the ring. But if it didn’t show up I asked Debra to text me letting me know that the mystery still continued. That way if I saw a call come through I would know that there was something wonderful happening on her end of the line! She thought that was a great idea and we parted ways.

Later that night, as my wife and I were watching the Academy Awards, my smartphone began to ring. I looked down at the caller ID and it turned out to be Debra’s cell phone number! Immediately I knew what that had meant! She must have found her beloved engagement ring! I took the call and immediately I heard jubilation and happiness on the other end! Debra, indeed had found her cherished keepsake! With great excitement I yelled, “You found it! You found it, didn’t you!” Debra answered with great joy, “You were right. Brian, you were right the whole time! It was with my stuff! I found it in the middle of the clothes in our laundry bag! We would have never found it without your help as you encouraged me to check through all my clothes and through the laundry bag and that’s where it was! It had never left my house after getting back from the hotel! We would have thrown all of the clothes along with the ring in the washing machine and who knows what would have happened to it then! I can’t thank you enough for encouraging me to check my things! You said it, you did say that you had that feeling all along even as we were checking all the other spots! Thank you so very much!”

I was so delighted to hear this amazing news! Debra’s most treasured piece of jewelry was found an hour after she had arrived home! She told her husband that she had a homework assignment to do which was to carefully look through her clothes piece by piece as I had done with her bag and coat earlier that evening. After searching through the suitcase, the laundry bag was the final spot left to check out. That’s where she finally discovered the beautiful treasure which was resting in the middle of all the clothes in the laundry bag!

The nightmare was finally over! This very happy moment made me smile from ear to ear and all of us celebrated for a good while on the phone! Debra shared that even one of her children began to cry because of how happy mom was again! From the moment that the ring was discovered until the time I was informed of the marvelous news, the child was still welled up with tears of joy! I listened to all of the steps that Debra took that led up to her finding the ring in the laundry. It was absolutely wonderful! I was so moved by all of the emotion that was taking place on the other end of the phone that I requested a moment of thanks and praise to the Lord for what was eventually found. Debra gathered her family near the phone and I led us all in a time of acknowledging the goodness of God with the recovery of this priceless possession! What a special evening it was!

After many more thanks and expressions of appreciation that were exchanged between both sides of the phone, we said our goodbyes. Just as I ended the call and started walking back to the living room to resume watching the awards, I smiled and suddenly thought to myself that this special ring recovery story could have received its own Academy Award for being a screenplay with the happiest of happy endings!



“I contacted Brian late on a Friday evening after I had lost my family heirloom diamond engagement ring earlier that afternoon. After searching and searching where I thought it slipped off my finger I put up signs and realized I needed a professional. Brian got back to me the next morning and was extremely kind and responsive. We spoke over the phone and he gathered additional information and then (since I had put up signs and searched already) we made a plan to meet the very next evening (Sunday).

I met Brian in the first spot where I thought I had lost it. He searched the parking lot as well as my car, bag, jacket – basically anywhere it could have gone missing. I was pretty certain it slipped off my finger and I knew the approximate timeframe, I just didn’t know where it happened. Once again, Brian was so kind and incredibly thorough during the whole process. He went with me to two more locations where I thought it could have been. He kept talking me through everything and was so positive as we looked for the ring.

By the end of the search we still did not find it. I was pretty sad but Brian was as well. It was clear that he cares very much and really wants to help people find their missing items. We had a good talk and he again helped me think through all my steps that day. As we did I mentioned that I had put away some laundry in a bag that day before I went out. He instructed me to thoroughly search the laundry and my luggage (I was away that weekend) and he told me that he believed in his heart I would still find it. I wasn’t sure myself but his optimism was infectious.

Soon after I got home I let my husband know that I didn’t find the ring but I had to search the laundry. An hour later I searched the bag item by item very carefully just like I saw Brian do as he searched my coat and bag. I got to the very middle of the pile and SURPRISE – there was my ring sitting right there!!! It had slipped off while I was gathering laundry and I had not realize for about two hours while I ran errands. I called Brian and he was so happy. I absolutely credit Brian with playing a major role in finding the ring and believe that if i had not reached out to him I may not have found it. Most likely the laundry would have been thrown in the machine and who knows what may have happened to the ring from there. Thank you so much Brian for all your help!

If you are missing something of great value or importance to you please reach out to Brian – he is wonderful and he will help you to the best of his abilities to get it back!”


Debra and Russell
Rockville, Maryland


If you would like to view the SEARCH VIDEO and the fantastic RING REVEAL pertaining to this search, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and you will be notified when the search video is uploaded onto YouTube.


If you would like to watch the SEARCH VIDEO and the RING REVEAL pertaining to this story, the video will be uploaded soon. To receive a NOTIFICATION letting you know when the video is uploaded to YOUTUBE: go to YOUTUBE by CLICKING THE LINK BELOW or OPEN your YOUTUBE APP on your device. In the SEARCH BAR, type: THE RING RETURNER, click SUBSCRIBE and lastly, CLICK ON THE « BELL » to receive NOTIFICATIONS when this latest search video is available to view!