Lost wedding band in Sand at Taupo Bay – Found!
As he lifted her up out of the water though, he felt his platinum wedding ring of 7 years slip off his finger – and vanish.
Rings sink almost instantly in mobile sands, and efforts to locate it were fruitless.
This afternoon, Michael posted on the local Taupo Bay social media group asking people to be on the lookout for it.
The tide was approaching full, and a similar tide state to when Michael lost his ring, so I dropped everything and headed up – Worst case, I could work the last of the rising tide, and then follow it back down again into the night if necessary.
Aside from a few ‘teasers’, likely deep fishing sinkers or pulltabs off drink cans, the beach was pleasantly clear of trash.
I emerged out of the shallows and continued the grid into the edge of the waters reach.
As I passed Michaels line in the sand, I got a nice low ‘double-hit’ of a shallow target.
I dug my hand in, and from about 2 inches down, emerged the ring – Smack in the middle of Michaels line!
I’ve often had rings up to 30-40metres, or more, away from the « It’s Here » mark, but never actually exactly on the line. Definitely one for the books.
With the ring handed back, a handshake and a few photos, I was on my way back home.
And Michael was out of the ‘doghouse’