Lost Gold Band Ocean City, Maryland…Found
Taine’s 9 Karat Gold, 925 Sterling Silver Family Heirloom Ring

Taine’s Family Heirloom Ring Ascends Above the Ocean City Sand Once Again!

An Elated New Zealander Celebrates the Return of His Missing Ring!
I received a voicemail message from a young lady named Emily, whose boyfriend lost his gold and silver family heirloom ring on the beach in Ocean City, Maryland. The young man’s name was Taine and he was visiting the United States from New Zealand. The two of them met online while playing a particular video game from across the world. They eventually fell in love with each other from afar and scheduled Taine’s first visit to the U.S. to meet his newfound girlfriend for the very first time in person. Unfortunately, Taine’s inaugural visit to a North American beach ended up being a bit more stressful than fun when his very special ring went missing in the sand.
When I called Emily back to discuss what happened to her boyfriend’s ring, I assumed that she and her boyfriend had searched online to find a metal detectorist who could help Taine recover his lost ring. It turned out that neither one of them had found my contact information on the internet. Instead, it was actually Taine’s father down in New Zealand who had coincidentally learned about The Ring Finders directory a week before his son’s ring disappeared on the beach of Ocean City, Maryland. I learned of this when Taine’s father contacted me from New Zealand. And just like Emily’s call to me, he desperately requested my help to recover the ring that had been passed down from his own father to him, and then he passed it down again to his son Taine.
Taine’s father ironically was listening to a podcast in New Zealand and the subject matter that was being discussed was all about The Ring Finders directory and its creator, Chris Turner. The guest that was being interviewed on the podcast shared that he had been extremely skeptical about this directory of metal detectorists who were passionate about finding people’s lost items. It wasn’t until this skeptic from England lost one of his own precious rings off the coast of Great Britain that he ended up becoming a true supporter of the directory. It turned out that he contacted one of The Ring Finder’s members in his area and the detectorist ended up successfully recovering the gentleman’s ring! This caused him to share his happy experience and much praise for Chris Turner and his wonderful Ring Finders directory! He said that without this particular ring finder, he was confident that he would have never seen his prized band ever again!
When Taine lost his ring earlier that afternoon, he called his father in New Zealand to share the disappointment that he had lost his family’s heirloom. It was at that moment that his father gave his son the perfect solution to his discouraging problem. Because of his knowledge about The Ring Finders from listening to the podcast a week earlier, Taine’s dad went to the directory’s website and searched for a ring finder in Ocean City, Maryland. My profile popped up on his computer screen and immediately Taine’s father contacted me, as well as his son in order to give my information to Emily, who in turn would call me to plan a search for the missing ring. The entire situation turned out brilliantly, all because of Taine’s dad coincidentally listening to that online broadcast (all the way around the world in New Zealand!) regarding men and women who are specialized in recovering rings for people just like Taine!
When Emily and I finally touched base that evening, she shared with me all of the details about the disappearance of her boyfriend’s ring. Emily, her father and boyfriend Taine were all hanging out on the beach for the day. When it was time to pack their things up and head back to the hotel, Taine brushed off the sand from his bathing suit that he was wearing and did the same with his pants that he wore over his trunks. Once they finished gathering up all of their things, they began to walk back towards the hotel which was directly off of the beach. It was at that moment when Taine realized that his ring was not on his finger. He knew that he had it on when he was hanging out on the sand, but somehow it had slipped off his finger and went missing. The three of them returned to the spot where they were all hanging out for the afternoon and they searched valiantly for Taine’s special heirloom. It was quite upsetting to him that he had lost his father and grandfather’s ring, and at some point he thought that he would never be able to get this special keepsake back on his finger ever again. In a matter of hours, the sand sweepers would come through that section of the beach and clean up any garbage and small items left on the sand. It was quite possible that Taine’s ring would get caught up in the machine, as well. Or at the least, it could have been pushed many yards away from the spot where he was laying out that day, and as a result, there would be no way of knowing where the ring ended up in case he wanted to metal detect the beach. It was not a good situation. They searched hard for the band, but unfortunately, all of their efforts led to no avail. The gold and silver ring could not be recovered. That was about the time when Taine called his dad and let him know the bad news.
I couldn’t have been more excited to help Emily’s boyfriend recover his missing ring. I was just as excited to bless Taine’s father with a successful recovery attempt, knowing that he reached out to me all the way from New Zealand for his son’s sake! It was pretty cool! This type of story illustrates just how powerful The Ring Finders directory is and how important our members are for people like Taine and his family!
It was late in the day and by the time Emily and I finished our talk on the phone, I was able to commit to arriving in Ocean City some time very late in the evening, possibly after midnight. There were some powerful storm systems that were blowing through the Maryland area, and the Eastern shore was getting hit the hardest. It would possibly take me a couple of extra hours to finally arrive at the beach, so I told Emily to anticipate a very late arrival. The three of them would be leaving the East Coast sometime later that morning, so it was imperative that we met that night. I believe that Taine would be leaving for New Zealand sometime the next day, as well. The couple expressed their great appreciation for how I was able to work them into my schedule and to meet up with Emily, her father and Taine later that night.
As I predicted, the weather was a great obstacle in my ability to arrive on time. Later that evening, there were very strong winds that reached 40 miles per hour in some spots along the way and the rain came down in buckets, making visibility almost impossible for me to drive at various times throughout the night. I wasn’t stressed out about it, as I took my time in getting to Ocean City. It was more important that I remained safe than to fall under the pressure of any time restraints. Sometime around 1 a.m., I arrived in Ocean City and drove to the street where Taine, Emily and her father were waiting for me. They remained in the hotel room until I called them to let them know that I had parked and that I was getting my metal detecting equipment out of the car. In a matter of minutes, I saw the three of them standing close to the entrance to the beach. The wind was still very strong and the rain fell heavily at periodic moments, but that did not deter any of them from waiting outside in the extreme weather conditions that night. I literally had to push myself against the wind and rain to reach the sand where the three of them had been waiting for me.
We quickly introduced ourselves and then I followed them out towards the ocean where they had all been hanging out during the first half of the day. Emily’s father knew the exact location of where they laid their beach towels down because when Taine had realized that his ring was gone, he was diligent to take note of what landmarks lined up with where they were that afternoon. The trio had set-up their things just a few feet away from the top of the slope and they also remembered where they actually sat because there was a particular sign in the sand that was directly in line with where all of them hung out. Having these landmarks made it much easier for me to effectively search the beach for the ring.
With my headlamp on and my metal detector ready to go, I asked Taine where he remembered standing when he brushed the sand off of his clothes. Though we didn’t know for sure if that was the time period when he lost his ring, it was the most likely of moments because he remembered having his ring on when he came out of the water. Pointing with his hand, he showed me the exact area where he picked up his pants. Next, I explained to them my methods in searching the sand for lost rings and then I began to swing my detector over the area where Taine had pointed to a moment earlier.

A Special Family Keepsake Found by Ring Finder, Brian Rudolph! Call Brian to Help You Recover Your Lost Property at (301) 466-8644!
Had I not had my headphones on, it would have been impossible to hear any of the tones coming from the detector because of how intense the wind was blowing. I was looking for a gold and sterling silver ring, so I set the detector to search both types of metal that I was searching for. Within a minute (if not less than), I hit the exact target signal that I was looking for. It was a hot signal and it was definitely in the range of a sterling silver band. I then quickly dropped to my knees on the sand and used my handheld detector to pinpoint the exact location of the target. Next, I pushed my Xtreme brand scoop into the sand, far enough down that I believed that I would capture the object in the cage and then brought it up for me to take a look inside. I sifted the remaining sand out of the scoop and as I looked towards the bottom, I immediately concluded that the search which had just begun had already come to its conclusion! I saw it in the cage! There it was! I found Taine’s handsome sterling silver and gold accented men’s ring! I was able to recover his family heirloom from the Maryland beach and he would be able to return back to his country wearing that very special keepsake! The three of them were pleasantly surprised at how fast I was able to recover the ring, especially after all of the hours that they had spent looking for it late in the afternoon when they first realized that it was gone from Taine’s finger! I was so happy for them, and frankly I was quite happy for myself because the weather conditions outside were not pleasant to work in at all!

Smiles are Evident Again Following the Successful Recovery of Taine’s Ring by Brian Rudolph
I could tell that Emily’s father was very pleased with my performance in being able to return this very special ring to his daughter’s boyfriend! Taine gave me a huge hug and profusely thanked me for rescuing this important object from the sand! Emily was just as grateful! It was a special feeling, knowing that I was able to recover a ring that would be going back on Taine’s finger as he returned to New Zealand later that day! He would be going all the way around the world, back to his country, and I had something to do with being able to keep that ring on his finger and help preserve the sentimentality of its history in Taine’s family line! What a thrill!
The four of us stayed out on the sand long enough to take some pictures and then we quickly moved away from the ocean’s roar and the intensity of the wind out by the surf. Before I exited the sand, I looked back out onto the water and I saw the enormous waves pushing its agenda farther and farther up onto the shore. I was quite pleased that I was able to rescue the ring from the hands of the Atlantic Ocean which might have carried that special keepsake out to sea, never to be found again.
Being a part of The Ring Finders directory allows metal detectorists to meet some extraordinary people and others who are connected with extraordinary individuals. While talking a bit with Taine on the beach before we all walked towards the side street adjacent to their hotel, I learned that his uncle (who also lives in New Zealand), was responsible for creating many of the movie sets for The Lord of the Rings movies! Some of those original structures still remain standing in New Zealand today and are huge tourist attractions for people to enjoy checking out! I thought that was quite intriguing!
When we got back to the street, Emily’s father shook my hand and thanked me for recovering Taine’s ring and for taking all of the time to travel to the beach to help find the young man’s ring. Emily was also quite grateful that I could recover the band to her boyfriend before Taine had to leave the country and return home. It was a great moment for all of us to celebrate and rejoice that the intensity of their day was finally over! Next, we said our warm goodbyes to one another, and with smiles on our faces we all headed off into separate directions, quite satisfied with how everything had turned out!
In the days following the ring recovery, I had the pleasure of talking with Taine’s father who called me from New Zealand just to thank me for my successful efforts in finding his son’s ring. He was beyond delighted to hear that I was able to recover the heirloom so quickly and that I was able to return it to Taine before he headed back to New Zealand. We talked a little bit more about the podcast that he had been listening to which gave him the idea to tell his son and girlfriend to contact me directly. Taine’s father said that when he was listening to the podcast, he was quite impressed with what he heard from the testimony of the man who got his ring back. However, now that one of his own was able to witness a Ring Finder search for his son’s lost possession, Taine’s father was even more impressed as a result of what I was able to return to his son on that windy and rainy night on the beach in Ocean City, Maryland!
« So grateful to Brian for being such a good sport. He drove all the way out to Ocean City in the pouring rain and had nothing but a positive attitude the whole time. He found my ring in no time at all, took a couple photos, had a quick chat and was on his way. A (hopefully) once in a lifetime experience with an amazing guy. Thanks again Brian! It means the world to me! »
– Taine of New Zealand
« Thank you so much Brian! I’ll definitely be recommending you to anyone who needs their ring found! We really do appreciate everything you did for us! »
– Emily of Baltimore, Maryland
If you would like to watch the SEARCH VIDEO and RING REVEAL pertaining to this story, the YOUTUBE link will be provided shortly. To receive the notification letting you know when the video is uploaded to YOUTUBE, feel free to SUBSCRIBE to BRIAN’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL by typing: THE RING RETURNER.