Metal Detector Man available to help you now.. Call or Text Stan 949-500-2136 … member of the Ringfinders
***Hubert and his wife were driving from central California to Riverside, CA. when his wife lost her white gold diamond engagement ring came off her finger. She was sitting in the front passenger seat rolling the ring with her fingers on her right hand. Hubert had to hit the brakes when the car in front of him suddenly stopped. Her ring few somewhere in the passenger side of the car.
They spent three days looking all over the car. The ring had to be there but it was not to be found. They called me after seeing on line that I did car searches for lost rings. I have been able to find rings in vehicles using a endoscope camera because my metal detectors are useless in cars because of all the metal. It’s not easy to find a ring in a car because there are more nooks and crannies for a ring to hide. The cost to have a seat removed by the service center mechanic can be ridiculous and they might not have a incentive to find the ring.
I can search a large area in sand or grass in a couple hours, but it may take a couple hours to probe many of the hiding spots in a car with a endoscope camera. It’s a tedious endeavor. After talking with Hubert explaining how and what I can do to help him, I drove 50 miles to Riverside, Ca.
We met in the parking lot of his hotel. I grabbed my endoscope camera walking to his car. He told me that he was going crazy searching such a small space without finding the ring. I consoled him explaining how many hiding spots and how these rings can find their way into these places while driving. He opened the two passenger side doors and pushed the front seat forward to show me the heater vent. We both saw the ring laying on the carpet in plain view. Even though he had thoroughly search that spot several times, the ring must have been up under the heater vent. So time in his last couple drives the ring worked itself out of its hiding place. You never know, it could have been intangled in his wife’s clothing and dropped outside the car when she got out.
Happy couple after three upsetting days of trying to find a most cherished and irreplaceable ring.
Call ASAP .. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have about how the service works.. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ Stan … 949-500-2136