How to Find a Lost Ring in the Ocean Myrtle Beach SC Tag | The Ring Finders

Man’s White Gold Wedding Band Lost in the Surf, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

About 7:30pm on June19th I got a text message from Matt saying “Hi, I saw a post on the internet about finding lost rings on the beach? Not sure if I’m even reaching out to the correct person.” I called the number associated with the text and spoke to Matt. He told me that he was playing in the sand with the kids pretty close to the water line. When they left the beach, he noticed his wedding band was gone. He told me this happened sometime between one and three pm. Low tide for the day was 11:59am, so basically, he was right at low tide. We made arrangements to meet today, June 20th at 11 am. This would give me time to work the outgoing tide that was at 12:45pm.

We met at his resort at 11am and walked out on the beach. He pointed to the suspected area, and wouldn’t you know it, there’s a family of about 6 sitting right on top of where I needed to search. I started my grid search perpendicular to the beach and passed just to the north of the family. On my return line I stopped short of the family and made my turn. I hit an iffy target that I tried digging out of the hole. The signal wasn’t what I expected, and I couldn’t get it out of the hole. So, I left it alone for the time being. I turned around for my next line and noticed the family had moved further up the beach, I figure Matt said something to them, which was nice that they moved. About halfway back, I hit the signal again which wasn’t any better, but I was determined to get it out of the hole. About 3 scoops of wet sand and I had it out of the hole. I dumped the sand out on the beach, ran the coil over it and boom. Got the signal I was looking for. I spread the sand out with my foot and then used my fingers to move the sand. Saw it peeking out and picked it up. I washed it off and handed it to Matt. Matt’s wife Janet had been watching from their spot on the beach and quickly made her way to where we were. Matt and Janet were greatly relieved that Matt’s ring had been found. Vacation Saved!!!

Matt/Janet – Thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a safe trip back home.
