Alex, his wife Lindsay and their daughter Charlie were spending the day relaxing in their boat at Beer Can Island in Tampa Bay. Lindsay was catching some sunshine up on the sand and Alex and Charlie were standing knee deep in the water next to the boat. Alex decided to move his wedding ring from one finger to the next and to do it had smeared suntan lotion all over his knuckle. As he pressed against the ring it slipped up over the knuckle and flew off into the water.
He immediately called out for the sand sifter that Charlie had been using up on the beach. They dug and dug trying to find the ring but could not find it. After a while they decided that it was just gone. They jumped into the boat and headed across the bay toward home. On the way, Charlie (5 years old) was setting between her Mom and Dad. She looked up into her Dad’s eyes and sweetly said “Don’t worry Daddy, Mom and I well go to the jewelry store and get you a new one.” That just melted Daddy’s heart. When they got home Alex went about cleaning the boat and Lindsay and Charlie went into the house. Out of desperation Lindsay posted what had happened on the Beer Can Island Facebook support site. Soon she got a reply from someone we had recovered a ring for last winter. She told Lindsay to contact “these guys, they are great.” Lindsay contacted us on our Facebook page and soon we were scheduled for a hunt.
Alex met Rick Magyar, Rick’s wife Judy, and Mike Miller at the boat ramp along with two of his Fireman co-workers. What a bunch of great guy’s. They ferried us out to the island, showed us where they thought the ring had dropped and we went to work. After about an hour, Mike found the ring. He turned around and gave Rick the “thumbs up” signal. Alex was right next to Rick and Rick decided to mess with him a little bit. Rick said loudly that he was giving up and that we would not be able to find the ring. Alex bought it hook, line, and sinker and his head dropped in disappointment. When he looked up he saw Mike doing a jig down the beach and instantly realized what was up. We all got a great laugh out of game and then I dropped the ring into his hand. The laughter turned into handshakes, hugs, and great big SMILES.
What a great day with great people