Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Ashville, OH. “FOUND”
I received a call about a lost ring on her property that was lost while completed the daily chores with the bees. She had place the ring in her back pocket which happened to be the same pocket that she used to hold her phone. While completed the chores, she receiving a phone call, the ring must of have flipped the ring out of her pocket. The walking distance is in the area of about an acre of grass. Performing the search in all the areas that was walked to and from each location. Then while searching around the bees, there was the ring hiding in the tall grass. She was very happy with Joy to have the ring return to her.

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Ashville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Ashville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Ashville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Ashville, OH. “FOUND”