Lost Cellphone in the Sand at Balboa Pier, Newport Beach, CA. .. Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. if you need a metal detecting Expert… Call or Text .. 949-500-2136 ..
…. Amanda and Adrian were at Balboa Pier in Newport Beach. While on the beach Amanda lost her phone in the sand. Luckily Adrian had his phone and he contacted me.

I met them on the beach a short time after he called.  It wasn’t a fast recovery as sometimes happens with this type of loss. We did save the day by finding it within an hour of grid searching with a top of the line metal detector and a Xtreme Titanium sand scoop.

You can see the happy smile of Amanda in the photo I took.

If you need help call now for information or help .. Stan ..949-500-2136

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