Small Thin Gold Ring Found After Lost in Sand at Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












If You need a metal detector hire a metal detector expert to help you… Call Stan the metal detector man .. Member of the Ringfinders  .. 949-500-2136

*** Lydia and  her husband are here in Newport Beach on Vacation. They will be returning to Colorado in a couple days. She lost a very small thin white gold and rose gold wedding ring in the sand.

While they were searching the sand, when person saw them desperately searching the sand. They told her about the Ringfinders metal detector directory. After searching the internet, Lydia contacted me. I explained how the service works and she said they would wait for me on the beach.

I arrived soon at their location, after agreeing to help them. As I was setting up my metal detector, I gave them a short explanation on how the detector works. Then I started a grid pattern, slowly sweeping my search coil. I knew it was a small thin gold ring, so it required setting up my sensitivity as high as possible. Not long after starting I got  a whisper of a signal in my earphones. A quick dig with my sand scoop revealed a thin two colored ring just like Lydia described.

They were very surprised and happy to have this special ring back where it belongs. Another successful recovery for two very special people to remember as part of their vacation to Newport Beach, CA.

I am available to help you now. Call now and I will answer any questions you have about how this service works .. 949-500-2136 … I WILL TRY ANYWHERE 

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