Lost Engagement Ring in Farmers Field, Rolly View, Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)




I received a call from Krystal regarding her white 14k gold engagement ring which she had lost out in Rolly View, in the county of Leduc.  After asking Krystal my usual questions I agreed to meet her.

Upon arriving at the location Krystal showed me exactly where she and her boy friend stood when he proposed to her and gave her the ring. With the excitement of accepting his proposal Krystal shook her hand and the ring flew off her finger into the snow! They searched the immediate area with no luck so decided to go back to the city and purchase a metal detector.  They headed back to continue the search but Krystal told me the metal detector made so many sounds that they did not understand and gave up the search and headed home.  While doing a Google search on “how to find a lost ring” she found me on the Ringfinders Blog Page. Within five minute Krystal had her ring back on her finger and was very grateful to have called me.

Thank you Krystal for getting in touch with me. I am so glad to have been able to find your ring.

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