Lost Wedding Band at Chun's Reef Beach............FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)



I got an email Saturday evening around 8:30 from Amanda from Michigan. The email said her and Nick just got married and were on their honeymoon on Oahu. At around noon standing in just thigh deep water Nick’s Tungsten wedding band fell off. They looked for hours with snorkel gear and couldn’t find it. I immediately looked at the surf report and for the first time I’ve ever noticed it was a big fat 0 feet on the North Shore. I responded to Amanda’s email and she called me back. We arranged to meet on the North Shore at 6:30 AM then drive to Chun’s Reef Beach. Nick showed me the approximate location and I told him I’d start in the wave curl first as many heavy rings end up there. After two minutes I got my first target. It took two healthy scoops but there it was. I looked towards shore to Amanda and Nick and gave them the nod. Got it! The sigh of relief and broad smiles were apparent. Honeymoon saved! Most customers really have doubt the ring can be found. Especially after they have searched for hours. I wanted to say the hole behind Nick and Amanda is where I found their ring but I don’t think I could get away with that. Aloha to Nick & Amanda.


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