Lost Ring Returned To Newlyweds In Santa Monica

  • from Seal Beach (California, United States)

Saturday October 8, 2016

Early in the afternoon I got a call from a person named Thane who found me on the RingFinders. He was swimming at El Matador beach when he lost his ring in the early afternoon. He asked  if  I could come out to help him. I was more than happy to, but in order to find the ring I had to wait for the next low tide, which was at 10:50 at night. I was looking forward to going home to taking a short nap before driving the 70 miles to meet him. On the way home, I received a phone call from Tate, who lost his platinum wedding band that day playing football with his friends and new bride. His wife was in tears on the phone, due to the fact that they got married two weeks earlier. So I left early and drove out to meet them in Santa Monica and got there around 8:15 at night. I met them at the pier and walked out to where they were earlier in the day. After I tried to figure out where the trajectory of the ring was, we narrowed it down to a small area of sand and within 10 minutes, his large platinum band was in my scoop, and  was returned back to the happy newlyweds.

After leaving Santa Monica, I had a short one hour delay, due to a flat tire and a long wait for AAA. I finally made my way up the coast to the Zuma Beach area where I met Thane. I met him along PCH and walked down the rocky path to the beach and in the dark, carefully observing photos he took earlier that day and tried to map where the ring could be. After the fourth target, I pulled up his ring out of the sand. He was ecstatic to be reunited with his lost ring and immediately called his wife with the good newsimg_0993img_0994-1

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1 Comment »

One Reply to “Lost Ring Returned To Newlyweds In Santa Monica”

  1. Larry Griffith dit :

    Good finds but could not see the photos.

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