Film Maker's Wedding Ring Found By Calgary Ringfinder. JC Effect Crosses the Mountains.

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

Al called me.  He was up at Fortress Mountain filming a commercial. The Vancouver film maker had wrapped up the filming and was packing up. About halfway back to the highway he realized his ring was missing. They went back and with the help of four others, searched for the ring to no avail. That night while talking with his wife, she mentioned that she had seen a piece on TV about a professional ring finder finding the actor Jon Cryer’s lost ring. With that information, he was able to find me on the internet.  We chatted at length and arranged for me to get access to the ski hill (it is closed to the public) the next day. It had to be the next day because the forecast was for snow….lots of it.  While Al was heading for the airport, I was up at the hill searching for his ring. With the great details Al provided, we began our hunt. A few minutes in, I heard the beautiful tone of a surface target. Moments later, the ring was revealed under a light dusting of snow.

Once back in cell coverage I sent a picture of the ring to Al.  His words… »Woohoo. That is amazing. I am so thrilled. » It will soon be in his hands.

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