LOST - Men's Gold Chain with Pendant and Silver Ring - Kill Devil Hills, Outer Banks, FOUND!!

  • from Ponce Inlet (Florida, United States)

Sunday morning, I got a Facebook Message from Jordan.  He said that while he and a friend were on the beach yesterday, he had lost his gold chain and a ring.  He couldn’t meet with me because he was at work.

I asked him about the location, and he said that it was about 75 to 100 north of the Avalon pier.  I told him that I would check it out.  When I arrived at the beach it was so crowded that I had a hard time finding a parking spot.  When I parked and went to the beach it was so packed that I couldn’t really cover the area that I thought it might be.

I decided to come back around 6pm when people would be leaving.  I covered the area Jordan told me about thoroughly.  I decided to go nearer to the pier just in case he was wrong about the location.  Just then gentleman approached me.  He said he had lost a gold chain yesterday while wrestling with his friend.  I asked, “Was it Jordan?”  He replied, “how did you know that?”

I let him know that Jordan had contacted me this morning.

He showed me an area about 20 yards from the pier that he thought they were in yesterday.  It wasn’t long until the XP Deus II fired a strong 81 and I saw the glint of a gold chain in the sand.  Randy and the friends he was with were jubilant!!

Not long after, I found the ring only a few feet away.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

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