Dennis Boothby, Author at The Ring Finders

Platinum Wedding Ring Lost In The Snow Of Sanford, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Back on February 18th, 2025, I received the following message from Jared.

“Hi there, I messaged another page but wasn’t sure if it was the right one. I was knocking down some icicles and it must have slipped off and landed in the snow. Hoping to get your help”!

I replied,
“Hi Jared, So sorry to hear this.
Is it a ring that was lost?
When did this happen?
What town or city did this happen in”?

Jared explained that he had just lost his Platinum Wedding Ring, that very afternoon. I told Jared I would be happy to help and we agreed that I would be out, first thing, in the morning, to his home, in Sanford, Maine.
I arrived promptly at 9:00am and Jared showed me where he was standing, while throwing a boot up to and breaking the icicles off the front of his house. He was certain, the ring would be along the house or front lawn. The snow was extremely deep in the areas, where the ring would have been. I trodded through the deep snow, with my metal detector, in the front and side of the house. Absolutely nothing close to being a platinum ring was detected. I then searched the driveway that also had snow and ice. Still no ring. After an hour and I half, I told Jared that the snow was just to deep, in the areas he thought the ring would be and that I would come back, once the snow had receded or melted.
On March 8th I sent a message to Jared, how the snow was looking, at his house. He told me that the snow was melting but still significant, along the front of the house. He told me probably be much better in two weeks.
So, the next week I messaged him again and he told me about 4 inch of snow remained on the ground. We then agreed that I would go back to his home on Wednesday, March 19th and search the area again. I also told him, I would be bringing my friend, Gary Hill, to help search the area. With two of us, we would be able to search all around the house, on the outside chance, the ring flew up onto the roof and down the other side, into the backyard. You just never know and I wanted to cover all the bases, as the saying goes.
Gary and I arrived and we talked to Jared again, about the events leading up to him losing his ring. He was throwing the boot, up towards the icicles, underhanded and was certain the ring would be in the front of the house, as he wasn’t throwing the boot, with full force. The snow was all gone, except a few small spots, that I shoveled. Gary and I searched along the house, sides of the house and the backyard of the house. No ring was found. We also removed flower boxes, from their holder and searched them. We looked in and under all the bushes. Still no ring. It was mentioned and asked, if the ring could have been on the other side of the driveway, in the wooded area. I didn’t think it was possible because that would place the ring, 30 or 40 feet in the opposite direction, that the boot was being thrown. But as I thought about it, was it possible the ring landed in the side driveway and then plowed up into the snowbank, that was still partially there? Unlikely, but possible. So Gary and I started on opposite ends of the driveway and started searching. No ring found on the driveway side of the snow bank. We then moved to the backside of the snow bank, approaching the wooded area. Less than a minute, on the backside, I heard a faint signal and when I looked up in front of my coil, I saw a ring. I couldn’t believe it. I took a few photos, of the ring, as I found it, in the grass, just inches from the snow bank. I had Gary go get Jared to see exactly where the ring was found. Jared was extremely happy the ring was found and couldn’t believe it was found on the backside of the snow bank. The only plausible explanation is the snowplow had plowed it, up into the very large snow bank, back in February. We will never know for sure how it ended up there but it doesn’t matter. Jared has his ring back and he genuinely thanked Gary and I for our persistence.
So fortunate to be able to help people like Jared out, in their time of need. Another smile for the books😁❤️🙏

Two Lost Property Markers Not Seen In 33 Years, Found With A Metal Detector, in Saco, Maine

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

It’s not always jewelry that I am contacted to find. I can help locate Property Markers, Water Shutoff Valves, Well Caps, etc. if it is made of metal, I can find it, as long as it isn’t to deep and out of the metal detector’s range.

I was contacted by Ted, last fall about trying to locate his two front property markers. He had purchased his home in 1992 and at that time he had been able to see the property markers. They were flush to the ground in 1992 but today, no longer visible. Ted ask if I could help him locate the markers, in the spring. Absolutely I will help him. Knowing he had actually seen them, at one time, I figured it wouldn’t take to long to locate.

So. On Sunday March 16, I walked down to Ted’s house. Yes, Ted and I live on the same street and just two houses separate our properties. I love helping a neighbor. When I arrived, Ted took me out to the front of the house and showed me the area where he had last seen the right front marker, 30+ years earlier.

I fired up the Minelab Manticore and started searching the grassy lawn area. I was not finding anything that should have rung up as a ferrous metal, like a steel property marker. I dug a penny, a bottle cap and a piece of foil. Nothing much at all on the lawn. Ted suggested we head to the left front of the house and search for that property marker. Let’s go.

We walked down to the other end of the property and when I started swinging the metal detector, I almost immediately received a ferrous signal that got me excited. The problem was the ferrous signal was partially under the asphalt sidewalk. As I started digging the lawn, next to the sidewalk, I realized the marker was approximately 5 inches deep, on the border of the grass and paved sidewalk.

Ted and I removed enough soil, to expose and verify that the property marker had been found. We decided that Ted would get a City Lot Map and once we had the exact lot dimensions, we would measure the distance from the market we had just found and I would bring my 300’ tape measure and measure out the distance.

Monday was a rainout. On Tuesday, I walked back down to Ted’s house and we measured 100’ from the left front marker and I immediately received a great signal, right on the 100’ foot mark, from the other marker. The lot dimensions said 100’ apart and we had a ferrous signal, at exactly that distance. Unfortunately the signal was not on the grassy lawn, it was completely under the paved asphalt sidewalk. There were no other signals, anywhere near the 100’ mark, that the property dimensions called for. We marked the sidewalk where I found the signal and Ted will contact the City of Saco Government, to see why the property markers were paved over. Until then, we did not dig up the sidewalk. This was the first time I have ever found property markers, under pavement. I have always found them, under grass. I will now start thinking about the sidewalk, whenever I can’t find them on the lawn.

Our next goal is to search the back of his property for 1 more marker. Ted has never seen the marker but would like to try and find it, if it’s there. First Ted will remove some of the overgrown trees that have popped up in the area. Once that area is cleared, we will search around.

Even though Ted didn’t lose any jewelry, he still had a big smile and was happy to have found his property markers, after 30+ years.

Key Fob and Keys Lost During Snowstorm, In Portland, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On February 9th, I received the following text message, from Kim

“Hello, I was wondering if you could share more info on your services such as cost/availability? We had a mishap with snow removal today and a set of house/car keys are most likely in a snow bank. I’m wondering if this might be an option vs waiting until spring! Thanks”!
I then replied
“Hi Kim, So sorry to hear this. So I do not charge for my time or my Emergency Metal Detecting Service. I do however require a Transportation Fee, to cover my gas, tolls, wear and tear, etc.”
Kim replied
“Thanks for the quick reply! Have you had much luck with finding keys in the past? I wasnt sure if stainless steel would be tougher to find”.
I then sent her a few photos, of previous key fobs and keys, that I have recovered, in the past year. I also told her my detectors would pick up the metal that the keys and fob were made of. We also set a date for me searching for the lost keys and key fob. I would search on Wednesday February 12th, 3 days from now.
I asked Kim if the fob & keys were lost in the snowbanks of their driveway or the street snowbanks. She replied

“That is part of the challenge, not sure when it got lost so it could be in our side/back yard or near the end of the driveway along the street. it’s possible we’re too late if it was at the end of the driveway with the snowplows. fingers crossed it’s in the yard”!

When I arrived on February 12th, Kim and Pat were there to meet me and showed me the area, Pat thinks the key fob had been lost, at the end of the driveway, near the street. Pat told me that he actually had two sets of keys and fobs go missing. One set was for his vehicle and house keys and the other set was Kim’s. He had both sets because as he was snow blowing the driveway, he was moving the vehicles around. Once he realized both sets were missing, he started searching the driveway, end of driveway and street, along with his backyard. Pat was able to locate Kim’s key fob & keys, in the backyard. Unfortunately, Pat was not able to locate his set. Pat really thought his set was lost at the end of the driveway, where it meets the street. If this were the case, the key fob and keys could have easily been plowed by the City of Portland, Maine, all the way down the street. Pat was extremely concerned that if someone found the key fob, along the street, they could easily start pressing the lock/unlock button and listen to where his car was. They would then also have keys, to gain access to their home. We needed to find this set of keys and fast.

The snowbanks, along the street were extremely high and wide. Conceivably, the keys could be buried in the middle of these absolutely huge snow banks . Their property also had extremely deep snow. I told Kim and Pat that the snowbanks may be too big and if I wasn’t able to find the keys today, I would be coming back, as the snow melted. After all, metal detectors do not detect small items in feet, but in inches.
I was confident the detector would pick up the keys at a depth of somewhere between 8-12 inches but the snow banks were approaching 4 feet high and 3-4 feet in width. If the keys and fob were in the middle of those snow banks, we wouldn’t find them today and would need to return, as the snow melted.
I decided to search the snow banks , along the street first, hoping to find it, before someone else, with bad intentions did. Pat accompanied me and would dig the items I had found, along the street and we encountered many metal items. No keys were found. I then detected the snow banks, along the sidewalks, on the way back to Pat & Kim’s home, on the outside chance the keys were pushed on that side of the snow bank. Still no keys found.
I then started detecting the driveway, towards the back yard and back door, including the area, where Kim’s keys were found. Still no keys found, in the extremely deep snow. I then searched the other side of the house, where there is a walkway, to the backyard. Still nothing. At this point, I had searched for approximately 1 1/2 hours, in the deep snow. I told Pat that I would need to come back, as the snow receded, from the melting. Unfortunately, in the week or two that followed, we received more snow and then rain. Even if I found his fob, would it even work? Replacement fobs can become very expensive.
I did check out the street and yard, a few times, after getting out of Physical Therapy, to see if the snow was melting. Very little melting, the first 2 1/2 weeks. Then the melting really picked up and I messaged Kim, I would swing by on Tuesday March 11, and bring my detector with me. Kim replied that there was definitely less snow. Just what I wanted to hear.
So, after Physical Therapy, I traveled the 1 1/2 miles to their home, from my Physical Therapy facility and started visually searching and Metal Detecting, the little snow left, along the street and sidewalk. No keys found. I then searched, the same way, as I went down the driveway, towards the back yard. Still no keys. I decided to search the backyard itself, in the event the keys were thrown by the snowblower or shoveled up onto the lawn, during the cleanup. As I was swinging the detector back and forth searching, I actually spotted the keys and fob, still intact, near some birch logs, along the fence. They were approximately 20 feet from where Kim’s keys were found. I highly doubt they went through the snowblower and must have been thrown that far, when Pat did some shoveling , during the cleanup.
I then sent a photo of the keys to Kim and told her that I had found Pat’s keys. She replied, “That is fantastic news!! Thank you. Did you leave them there or elsewhere”? Since neither Kim of Pat were home, I hid them in the backyard and told Kim, where they could find them. We also agreed to meet in two days, when Pat would be home, so I could add his photo, to my “Book of Smiles”
When I met with Pat this morning, he was extremely happy to have his fob and keys back. Amazingly, after a full month of being in the snow, ice and being rained on, the key fob still worked perfectly. As Pat hit the lock/ unlock button, on the fob , the car would beep and you could hear the vehicle locking and unlocking. This brought a nice big smile to Pat’s face. What a great feeling it is to help people, like Kim and Pat and see the smile on his face. No better feeling than to see their smiles.😀❤️🙏

Gold Signet Ring Lost In The Portland, Maine Snow. Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Monday evening, February 17th, 2025, I received the following voicemail transcription.

“Hey how you doing. My name is Ethan M***. I got your number off of Facebook, for the finding thing you do. I am just calling to see if I can get your help I just lost my ring in the snow and can you call me back at 910-***-****, thank you…”

I immediately called Ethan back and he explained that he was shoveling his driveway, when he slipped on a patch of ice and fell to the ground, hard. As he was falling, he could feel his ring coming off, he thinks. Everything happened so fast and he was bracing himself for impact, but he thinks he felt the ring coming off.
Thankfully, he was not injured, in the fall. Once he had composed himself he searched for his ring, in the driveway and immediate area, without any luck. The snow was deep, on each side of the driveway and mostly hard packed snow and ice, in the driveway itself. After not locating the ring, Ethan went inside and called me for help. He told me that the ring was not his wedding ring, but a very special Signet Ring, that was a gift from his wife and is extremely sentimental.
As fate would have it, I had a Physical Therapy appointment at Orthopedic Associates, in Portland, Maine at 8:30am, the next morning and it was only 10-15 minutes, from where Ethan lived, in Portland Maine . I told Ethan that I could arrive at his home at 7:00am, before he left for work and he could go over the events, just prior, to losing his Signet ring. I would be able to search for an hour, before I had to leave for my PT appointment. If I wasn’t able to cover the entire area and find the ring , prior to leaving, I would return immediately after my PT session had ended.
I arrived at Ethan’s home at 6:50am and was promptly met by Ethan. He showed me where he was, in the driveway, when he slipped and fell, on the ice. Ethan also told me that he thought the ring would have flown off directly in front or behind him, into the snow.
I decided to start out near the street, searching the driveway and snow along the driveway, including the area in front of Ethan, where he thought the ring may be. Absolutely nothing.
I then turned around and went down the other side of the driveway, searching both the driveway and snowbank, along the driveway. No Signet ring was found. Once I had ended up back at the street , I searched the snowbanks at the end of the driveway and still no ring. At this point, Ethan needed to leave for work. If I found the ring, I could give it to his wife, who was inside, getting ready for work.
After Ethan left, I kept expanding the search area. I got up in the deep snow of the lawn, in front of the house and still no signals. I then went to the other side of the driveway and searched that lawn and into a thick bush, as best I could. Still no ring. I then researched the entire area and still nothing. Thankfully it is a small area and it wasn’t taking me long to cover the areas Ethan thought the ring was in.
I then decided to search the walkway leading up to their front door. Still no ring. As I was heading back towards the driveway, I decided to search as close to the parked car as I could but couldn’t get very close to it, because all the metal kept setting my detector off. I decided to just swing the coil very slowly, and as close to the vehicle as possible. I was still getting some targets but it was always the car setting the detector off. As I tried one last time, I did get a separate signal, aside from the car. It was definitely a non ferrous target but the conductivity reading on the VDI screen was 55. A much higher reading than I would expect for gold. Gold is considered a low conductor and the reading is usually in the 03 to low 30’s. Since it was such a good sounding target and definitely non ferrous, I just had to check it out. I took my pinpointer, scraped the snow down and then I saw the outline of a Gold Ring. I had found Ethan’s Signet Ring. It had taken me approximately 50 minutes and with the temperature at -2 degrees, with the wind chill, I was ready to leave. My feet and fingers were freezing and the warmth of the car was calling me.

I knocked on the front door and Ethan’s wife answered. I showed her the Signet Ring and she was so pleased. She told me Ethan had been very distressed all night, wanting to find his gifted ring very badly. I told his wife I would send some photos of the ring to Ryan, at work, so he could stop worrying.
I sent two photos of the ring and the following message, to Ethan, at work.

“How does it feel to have your ring back”?
Ethan replied
“You are a life saver!!!!”
I told him that his wife was now in possession of his very special ring and asked if he could have a picture taken, with him holding the ring. He quickly agreed and said he would send it to me, when he returned home, this evening. It is always such a great feeling and pleasure to be able to help people like Ethan out in their time of need. I love putting another smile, in my “Book of Smiles”.

Ethan later, in the evening , sent me the following text message .
“Thank you for all of your help, definitely a weight off the shoulders”. How can I not feel good, after a text like this.

It was also a great feeling to get into a warm vehicle. I’ve had enough of the cold and snow. Bring on the spring 🌻🌸❤️

Gold Wedding Ring Lost While Snow Blowing, in Gorham, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

As I was watching The Super Bowl, on Sunday night, I received the following Facebook PM, at 9:00pm, from Ryan.

“I Lost my ring, in the snow”.

I replied,
“Hi Ryan, So sorry to hear this. When did you lose it, how and where”?

Ryan replied,
“I was using my neighbors snow blower brought it up to his house in front of his garage and used my hand to clean out the snow from the inside. Then shoveled it to the side as it was in front of his garage door . I looked down at my finger and it was gone”.

Ryan and I continued our conversation and he was 99% sure, his wedding ring would be in his neighbors driveway, underneath the hard packed snow or in the snowbank, along the driveway. With 11 inches of freshly fallen snow and another 6 inches forecasted to fall in a few days, I wanted to get to Ryan’s, asap. The longer, we waited, the better the chance the ring could be moved by the snowblower or the plow, making the ring, that much more difficult to locate. Ryan said he lived near University of Southern Maine, in Gorham, Maine, approximately 20 miles, from my home in Saco, Maine. Ryan asked if I could come out, the next day, Monday, at 3:45pm, when he would be home. I agreed to meet him and now I just needed to charge my equipment up.
I arrived at 3:45pm and Ryan immediately took me to his neighbors driveway and showed me the area he had cleaned the snow out of the snowblower and the area he had shoveled the excess snow , on the the snow bank. The driveway was very hard packed snow. I took out a 14K test ring and buried it in the snow bank . I then started my detector up and showed Ryan what the ring sounded like, on the detector and the VDI reading, on the detector’s screen. The ring let out a nice loud low tone that was crystal clear.
I decided to grid the fairly small area, starting in front of the garage doors and working my way towards the snowbanks, on the side of the driveway. My 1st pass resulted in a few targets but they were under the ice and asphalt. I turned around and headed back towards my original starting point and again, a few targets, but no ring. I turned and started back towards the snowbanks and about 3/4 of the way there, I received a very loud low signal, in the 42-43 range. It sounded great but I thought the VDI reading was a little high, for a gold ring. I took out my pinpointer and located the target, in the hard packed snow of the asphalt driveway. I then started scraping the hard packed snow away, with my pinpointer and all of a sudden, I saw a Gold Ring. I immediately said “There it is” and Ryan said “Thats amazing “. I picked up the ring and handed it to Ryan, who shouted over to his wife, in their driveway, “He found it“ and held the ring up, so she could see it. I could see her smile and another smile broke out, on my face. The entire search only took approximately 7-8 minutes and the ring was exactly in the area, Ryan thought it would be.
I am just so fortunate to be able to help people like Ryan out, in their time of need. There is just no better feeling than to be able to put a ring, back on someone’s finger and a smile on their face. ❤️🙏

Engagement Ring Lost in The Sabattus, Maine Snow, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I received the following text, on Friday, January 31st, 2025

“Hello. My daughter lost her engagement ring in our driveway under snow. Can you help to locate? What is approximate charge?
I live in Sabattus Maine. I have the area near my driveway and lawn about 10×30 area identified. No trees Or obstacles”.

I replied

“Hello, So sorry to hear this. When was the ring lost?
I do not charge for my time or service. I do however have a Transportation Fee. This is to cover my gas, tolls, wear and tear etc..
I will tell you that I am not available today. I will be able to go up there, 1st thing tomorrow morning.
I have 3 appointments today, including a Physical Therapy session, after my recent left knee replacement”.

His reply
“Ring lost Wednesday two days ago. We sifted thru the snow, melted it in house tub but found nothing. I would like your help to check area by car in driveway? Tomorrow is fine”.

I then asked for some more information, his name, address and what the metal was that the ring was made of.
Gary N****** is his name and the ring was 14K White Gold. I told Gary we would be up around 9:00am and I would bring some test rings, to set the detectors up with and to show them how metal detecting works.

Saturday morning, Gary Hill picked me up at 7:45am and we made the approximately 1 hour drive to Sabattus, just a little northeast of Lewiston, Maine and Auburn, Maine. I still have not been cleared to drive, after my recent Total Left Knee Replacement and with Gary driving, it was all good. I am very close to being cleared and hopefully be driving again, soon. Until then, I’ll follow Dr’s orders. It was still snowing as we drove to Sabattus and with the stiff winds, the temperature was only 4 degrees. So glad we have all of our cold weather gear as who knows how long we will need to search.

Once we arrived at the search area, in Sabattus, Gary Hill and I were met by Gary N. and his daughter, Samantha. Gary Hill had already turned his detector on, and searched the driveway, as we walked, up the driveway. I was talking to Samantha and her Father and they were
Explaining that Samantha had been cleaning the snow, off of her car, Wednesday morning, after the overnight snowstorm. Samantha was standing next to her car , shaking the snow, off her hands, when she felt the ring go flying off her finger. She was uncertain, as to which way the ring went flying but was confident the Engagement Ring, was somewhere, on the front lawn, not to far from the vehicle, she was cleaning off.
As Samantha was telling me the circumstances, leading up to the ring being lost, Gary Hill had been searching the area, approximately 6 feet out from the car and as he took a step closer, to the car, Gary had a very nice signal on his VDI screen, reading 12. A definite low conductor and Gary said the tone sure sounded like gold. As we watched on, Gary moved some snow away, with his hands and pinpointer. Then, THERE IT WAS, the engagement ring was clearly visible to all of us. Smiles broke out, happy tears were flowing and all in less than 5 minutes. I never even turned my detector on and the ring was back with Samantha, where it belongs.
Samantha then told us that she recently became engaged, back in October, while on a trip to The Grand Teton National Park, in Wyoming. Samantha’s fiancé had even had the proposal videotaped, under the guise of videotaping some animals. Samantha was totally surprised and unaware of the proposal and it was all caught on camera, to watch over and over again. Samantha also told us that her fiancé, designed, this very special ring.
Gary Hill and I are extremely happy to have been able to help Samantha, in her time of need and to see her smile and happy tears as she put the ring, back on her finger. There is no better feeling than to see the smiles on the faces of our clients. Samantha will now be in The Ring Finders of Maine, “Book of Smiles”, forever. Gary and I wishing Samantha and her fiancé a wonderful wedding and marital blessings ❤️🙏

Engagement Ring Lost In A Pile Of Hay, In Shapleigh, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Friday morning, January 17, 2025, my phone rang but because of my recent knee surgery, I was unable to reach it quickly. When I did reach it, I had the following voicemail

“Yes, Hi Dennis, this is Nick ****** calling. I found your information on the Internet that you are able to find rings. Anyways, my sister has lost her ring, in the hay. My parents have a farm and I was wondering if that was something you’d be able to help us with If it is, if you wanna give me a call back 207-***-****, thank you very much…”

I immediately called Nick back and he explained that the previous night, his sister, Rebecca , had gone out, to feed the cows, at the farm, in Shapleigh Maine. After throwing a bunch of hay down, in front of the cows, Rebecca had noticed her Engagement Ring was missing. It was extremely cold and she thinks her fingers had shrunk, just enough, that the ring came off. I was a little concerned that the cows had already eaten the ring or the ring was lost, somewhere else, on the property. Nick said his sister wasn’t positive about the exact location, the ring was lost in but that the hay, would be the first place to search. They had all visually searched the area, last night, but the ring was not found. The search would expand to other areas, if not found in the hay.
I also let Nick know that I would be unable to personally search, because my left knee was replaced 10 days ago and it just isn’t healed or ready to get back out there, just yet. I told Nick that I have a friend, Gary Hill, that goes out and searches for me, when I am unable. I immediately called Gary and he said he would head right out, to the farm, in Shapliegh, Maine, from his home, in Hollis Center, Maine.

Gary arrived in Shapliegh, at 9:20am. Once shown the cow feeding area, and hay on the barn floor, Gary saw just how difficult this search could end up being. There was a lot of metal, all over the barn, which may interfere, with the Emergency Metal Detecting Search. Gary got to work. Steve, Rebecca’s husband was there to help Gary, by using a pitchfork, to remove some hay, as Gary searched with his metal detector. The hay was quite high and when Gary searched an area, Steve would then remove a foot or two, of the searched hay, exposing new hay below, for Gary to search. Because of all the metal, in the barn, Gary had to use his small 8” coil, so as not to pick up as much iron targets, keeping the White Gold Ring, isolated and given a better signal. After approximately 40 minutes of Steve taking layers of hay off the pile, Gary received a very promising 16-17 on his Minelab Manticore’s, VDI screen. Definitely in the gold range and certainly not a nail. As Gary searched through the pile of hay, with his pinpointer, he saw the ring, at the bottom of the pile of hay. Gary was extremely relieved the cows hadn’t eaten the ring and now Gary wouldn’t have to check the cows dung. A great day indeed.
Steve was extremely happy that his wife’s engagement ring had been found, as was Nick. What they all thought would be an extreme long shot to find, ended up with smiles on everyone’s faces.
The Ring Finders of Maine, take great pride, in being able to get to a local as soon as possible. Today is another example of me getting a call at approximately 8:10am, calling Gary and Gary arriving on scene, in just over an hour, at 9:20am. This includes the drive, out to the farm, in Shapliegh.
This was literally a ring in a haystack and thankfully, Gary was able to make the recovery. There is no better feeling, than to be able to quickly help people like Rebecca, Steve and Nick. It is also a great feeling knowing that Gary has my back, when I am unable to search. Thank you Gary, from all of us!👏👏👏

50+ Year Old College Class Ring, Lost In Ogunquit, Maine Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I received a phone call, from Diane, on Friday January 3rd, 2025. Diane explained to me that 2-3 days earlier, she and her husband Jerry had come up to Maine and were staying at The Beachmere Inn, in Ogunquit, Maine. They had come up with friends, to celebrate the New Year and had attended a New Year’s Eve event, at Jonathan’s Ogunquit, which included dinner and a show. After enjoying the dinner and show, they all went back to The Beachmere Inn and proceeded to sit around one of the fire pits, outside. It was cold and a little wet outside, so they all called it a night and retreated back to their rooms. Once back in their room, Jerry realized that he was no longer wearing his 1973 Boston University Class Ring. As Diane told me, Jerry was heartbroken and they searched the room, to no avail. To place a timeline on when Jerry may have lost the ring, he and Diane looked at some photos, from that evening, to see if they could pinpoint when he had the ring on and again, when he didn’t have it on. They found one photo, of him wearing the ring. The photo was taken at the Beachmere Inn, just prior to them leaving, to go out to Jonathon’s Ogunquit. This means that the ring could be anywhere on the premises of The Beachmere Inn or Jonathon’s Ogunquit.

Once Diane finished telling me the events leading up to the ring being lost, I asked her a few questions. Did they search or notify The Beachmere Inn or Jonathon’s Ogunquit? She replied that both businesses had been notified and had actively searched for the ring but had not found it. Both businesses would continue to search and would notify Diane, should the ring be found. Diane also told me that they notified The Ogunquit Police Department , just in case someone found it, at one of the businesses and turned it in. The Ogunquit PD had not seen the ring, turned it.
I then asked Diane if it could have been lost in one of the parking lots, as Jerry entered and exited the vehicle and if the parking lots were asphalt or gravel. She replied the parking lots were asphalt. I told her that after 2-3 days, the ring would have been found, on the asphalt lots and those would be a visual search only. The asphalt parking lots would not be searched, with a metal detector. So, since I can’t search the inside of the businesses or the asphalt parking lots, with my metal detector, I told Diane that the only area that makes sense, for me to search, was around the outside fire pits, at The Beachmere Inn. Diane agreed this would be the only place to search, with my metal detector. I also told Diane that if I didn’t find the ring, around the fire pits, I would walk the parking lots and give it a visual search, just to be thorough.
Once I arrived at The Beachmere Inn, I let the front desk know why I was there. Paul actually escorted me to the fire pits and I assured him I would not be digging up the lawn, as the ring would still be on top of the ground, not under it.
As I stood there, surveying the area and deciding how to approach this search, Sarah, the owner of The Beachmere Inn, stopped by and introduced herself and told me that she follows my Facebook Page and loves my stories. She also was offering any help I would need, in the event I needed to move any of the furniture or the heavy fire pits themselves. I was very appreciative and told her I didn’t think I would need any help, but would let her know, if I changed my mind.
I decided to search the fire pits, starting with the one, on my left side first, as it was the closest to the building. The grass area wasn’t very large and even moving the 5-6 chairs, out of the way, it only took me 6-7 minutes to search that area. Unfortunately, Jerry’s ring was not found. I then started searching the grassy area around the second fire pit and nothing was found on the left side of that fire pit. I replaced those chairs, to where I found them and went to the other side of the pit, and moved those chairs out of the way, so I could see and get up nice and close, to the fire pit, with my metal detector. Once I started searching, the right side, I had taken 2-3 steps and BANG, there was a large gold ring, laying in the grass. I actually saw it, before I could even get my coil, over it. It was just sitting there, in the grass. I couldn’t believe it. It’s been sitting out there for almost 3 days, in the grass area, near the fire pit. I took a few photos of Jerry’s ring, right where I found it and then picked it up, to verify it was a Boston University Class Ring and yes it was. I then sent a photo of the ring, to Diane and just said “Congratulations”. Once Diane saw the photo, she replied

“OMG!!!! NO WAY!!!!
“It says BU???!!”

I then sent her a second photo, showing the Stone and crest, of the ring. She replied once again

If the weather isn’t bad tomorrow can we drive down to pick it up??
He wants to know if his handwriting is still on the inside….. LOL”

I then took a photo of the inscription, on the inside of the band and sent it to Diane and Jerry. The reply came back

“OMG!! Jerry just said “thank you so much” (he’s chocked up)
We will be in touch later after we hear the weather report for tomorrow, etc
You must be touched by God”

I then went back inside The Beachmere Inn and let the front desk and Sarah know that the ring had been recovered. I also let them know that Jerry and Diane had been notified and were in disbelief and would be driving back up to Maine, in the next few days, so I could return Jerry’s precious Class Ring. Sarah and I then had a photo taken, with the ring, in front of The Beachmere Inn’s Christmas tree. I couldn’t help but think that Jerry was to be getting a belated Christmas present.

We in fact did talk later that evening and we made plans to meet, on Sunday, January 5th, at 1:00pm, to return the ring. Cheryl and I met Jerry and Diane, as planned and Jerry was extremely happy to have his very sentimental ring back. He has been wearing it, for more than 50 years and is extremely proud of his accomplishment, of graduating from Boston University. Both Jerry and Diane mentioned that they thought the ring was gone forever and are so grateful for me driving down to Ogunquit and finding it for them. Now Jerry has his ring, back on his finger, where it belongs and no longer has to worry, if he will ever see it again. There isn’t any better feeling than seeing the smiles, on the faces of people getting their lost items back. It truly is a blessing, to be able to help people like Diane and Jerry. They will now be in my growing, “Book of Smiles”, for eternity.

Gold Heirloom Ring Lost In The Windham, Maine Snow, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

At approximately 6:30pm, on Tuesday December 10th, 2024, I received a call from Chris. Chris told me that he had just lost his wedding ring and wanted to know if I could come up and find it. I then asked Chris, if he could tell me what happened and where did he lose it.

Chris explained that he had been cleaning his wife’s car off and his hands were cold and wet. So, before getting into the car, Chris shook the snow off his hands and once inside the vehicle, he noticed his wedding ring was missing. I asked Chris if he had felt or seen the ring come off. He hadn’t! But, he knew where he was standing when he shook his hands and had been searching the snow, in that area, but it was fruitless. No wedding ring was found.

His wife, Erin, then put a Facebook post out, on a local Windham, Maine community page, .

Once Erin had done that, she started getting many referrals, to call me. It was at this point, that Chris called me. Chris wanted to know if I could come search tonight. I suggested I could do it the next day, but then remembered that I was having a crown put on, a broken tooth. I also remembered that tomorrow’s weather was going to be heavy rain and very high winds. I wouldn’t be able to search tomorrow. The day after that, I was already booked, in Auburn, Maine and Friday I was taking my mother to her Dr’s appointments and then my wife and I needed to be in Portland, for 5:00pm. Saturday, I have tentatively scheduled a search, in NH. This means if I didn’t go tonight, I probably wouldn’t be able to search for Chris’s ring until Sunday. So I told Chris that I would search tonight but just need to load my equipment up and drive the approximately 40 minutes or so, to Windham.

I left Saco at 6:50 pm and arrived at Chris’s home at 7:30pm. I then asked Chris to show me the area that he had been cleaning the car and where he had shaken his hands. Chris showed me and I could see the disturbed and packed down snow, of where he had unsuccessfully searched. I would search this area first and if I wasn’t able to locate the ring, I would start expanding the search area.

I started searching, at the road and worked my way, onto the lawn, approximately 10’ deep. No ring but lots of high conductivity metals, where gold is considered a low conductor. So, I turned around, took a 1/2 step, to my left and headed towards the road. Still no ring. Turned around and headed back onto the lawn and still nothing. Turned around, heading back to the road and almost immediately received a very loud target. The VDI was reading higher than normal for gold but it was such a great sounding target. I slowly put my pinpointer into the snow and located the target. I started gently pushing the top layer of snow, off the target, when I caught a glimpse of something yellow and metallic, under the bright lights of my headlamp, that I was wearing. I looked up at Chris and said, “I found your ring”. Chris was almost in disbelief, “Really”, he asked. I then had Chris come over and I showed him the very small piece of yellow, showing in the snow. Chris was now smiling ear to ear and couldn’t believe I had found his ring, approximately 5’ from where he thought it was and where he was searching. Chris kept thanking me for coming so far to help him and he also told me that the wedding ring, was his deceased father’s ring p, that had been passed down to him. WOW, another Heirloom Ring recovered and returned. I am so happy to have been able to help Chris and Erin, in their time of need. As I always say, every ring has a story and Chris’s ring now has another story, to go with its history. I get to add another smile, to my “Book of Smiles”.


Key Fob and Keys, Lost In The Limington, Maine Snow, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I had just returned home from a successful Heirloom Ring recovery and return, in Acton, Maine, when I received the following text

“Hi I’m hoping to get in contact with Dennis of Ring Finders of Maine. My name is Tim and I live in Limington Maine (about 45 minutes from Saco, Maine). I’ve been missing my keys since yesterday morning, and my wife and I have torn our house apart looking for them. We believe they may be under a couple inches of snow along the edges of our driveway, I wanted to know if you were able to offer your metal detector services to help find them”

I immediately texted Tim back and told him that I could certainly help him, to try and find his keys. I sent the following text message back to Tim

“A few questions
1) what makes you think they may be in the driveway area?
2) Are these actual keys, a key fob or both?
3) How big and long, is the driveway? I could bring an extra detector, if you or your wife would like to help search.”

Tim replied

“The driveway is about 5-6 car lengths long and 2 cars wide.
There is a fob, but there’s also 4 or 5 metal keys, and it’s on a carbon fiber key organizer.
We think they’re in the driveway because I usually keep keys in one coat pocket and my wallet in the other, and I last had them Wednesday when I went out and came back. I was staking our driveway for our plow guy since we had some snow coming Wednesday night into Thursday and when I went to use my car yesterday my wallet was still in my coat pocket but my keys were not, and between staking the driveway and taking a couple patio chairs off the deck the only explanation for not finding them in the house anywhere is if they fell out of my pocket while outside.
I’m happy to help search if you can teach me what I need to do”

I replied
“Ok, are you available now? I can come up now, if this is ok.
What is your full name and address, I would need to go to? I will bring the spare detector”

Tim said he was home and I told him I would be there shortly. After being home less than an hour, after returning from Acton, Maine, I was out the door, to Limington, Maine. I arrived at Tim’s home, approximately 45 minutes later and was promptly met by Tim. I asked Tim to show me the areas, he thinks the keys may be in. Tim said the keys could be on either side of the driveway, where he had placed some stakes and cleaned back a little snow. They could be out back, where he had moved some patio furniture. The could also be along the walkway, to the front door, coming from the driveway.
I then retrieved both of my detectors, set them up and tested them, with my set of keys and key fob. After placing my set of keys, under the bank of snow, along the driveway, I showed Tim, what he would need to do and listen for, as he helped me search. The detectors were picking up the test keys with no problems, at approximately 10-12 under the snow bank. After watching Tim swing the detector, over the test keys, I asked him which side of the driveway would he like to search. He chose the right side, as you faced the house and I would start on the left side, of the house. As we were searching, we were receiving plenty of targets but definitely not in the key range. As we were finishing up the sides of the driveway, I heard Tim say, “Got em” and I looked up and Tim had found them, at the intersection of the driveway and walkway, to the front door. Tim was very excited and happy, with a smile from ear to ear.He surmised that they fell out of his pocket, while placing a stake, in the area and disappeared, under the surface of the snow and then more snow arrived, covering them even more.
Tim said he had been extremely stressed about his keys and key fob being lost. The key fob was extremely wet, from the snow and Tim was going to place it in a bag of rice, hoping to dry the fob out. Hopefully, it works.
So it’s not always jewelry that The Ring Finders of Maine help recover. Sometimes it’s Keys, Key Fob, Property Markers, Water Shutoff Valves, Cell Phones, etc.. Whatever the item is, I love being able to help people like Tim out, in their time of need. It’s such a great feeling when I am able to return a lost item and add another face to my “Book of Smiles”