Maryland Man's Wedding Ring Lost On Emerald Isle Beach Found

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Laura & Roy were spending a traditional trip to Emerald Isle, North Carolina with their Maryland friends.  Roy handed his wedding band to Laura while he went for a swim.  Laura placed her husbands ring in a pocket attached to a beach chair among the group of other friends chairs.  It wasn’t until much later when Laura went to retrieve the ring from the pocket.  It was then she discovered the pocket had a hole that allowed the ring to escape.

Laura called me after a friend in the group mentioned someone must search for these kind of things and she also found from a local surf shop of my business of finding lost items.  Laura gave me a call the following day and I agreed to load up and head her way.  After searching beach near the water first, I made my way toward the higher beach.  After a few unwanted signals, I came across a solid tone on my CTX-3030.  After 1 scoop I held the ring up in the air for Laura to see and she dropped to her knees with relief!


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One Reply to “Maryland Man’s Wedding Ring Lost On Emerald Isle Beach Found”

  1. Jim Wren dit :

    WTG Steve!

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