Lost Platinum Wedding Ring - San Jaun Capistrano, Calif.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I got a call from Chris’ wife. Here is what happened. Chris describes it better than I can in this following email to me.

I can’t thank you enough for your willingness to give of your time so freely with no expectation except to help a complete stranger in need. I think I had given up all hope but you pushed through and found something very near and dear to my heart.

Here is my story!

My wife and I had just gotten back from a photo shoot with one of our clients and I realized my wedding ring was gone. I had just washed some mud that I had stepped in while on our shoot from my shoes so I assumed it came off in our front yard while cleaning them. I looked all over the area twice with no success. My wife started looking online on how to find lost platinum rings and came across the ring finder. We had emailed someone from Santa Ana but he didn’t get back to us and the gardener was coming the next morning to mow so we emailed and called Stan too. He got back with us right away and agreed to come in the morning. Stan the amazing man he is looked in our tiny front yard for what seemed like hours with multiple metal detectors because platinum can be tricky to detect. Having completely exhausted all possibilities Stan had to call it a day. We had not found the ring and this guy is VERY thorough!

After he left we knew it must have been lost while on our shoot down in San Juan Capistrano. There was no way it could be in the front yard as hard as stan looked. My wife encouraged me to call Stan back and see if he would drive down to the open space reserve where we lost the ring and look with me. I thought there is no way he is going to want to do that after looking for two hours. I called anyways and to my surprise he agreed to go look!

We arrived at the open space reserve and Stan could see right away why this looked like such a daunting task. It was acres upon acres of tall weeds and we had been all over the place photographing. Unflinchingly Stan began to ask questions and problem solve where we had been and how we were moving to come up with a plan as to where to look. So one location at a time the search began as we retraced each step from the day before. We had looked in all but two locations and I was feeling very defeated but Stan hadn’t given up and kept a positive attitude. It was there in the middle of this massive field that Stan heard the chirp of his very fancy equipment and he had FOUND IT! I was so shocked and excited that I high-fived him and gave him a big hug! Stan I think was even surprised that we found it under such crazy circumstances. He asked all the right questions that led us to the spot. I can’t tell you how important it is to think back and recount your steps and movements. Without doing so we would have never found it. I highly recommend Stan if you’ve lost any ring even very difficult metals to find like platinum. This guy doesn’t give up easy and is incredibly friendly!

Thanks Stan!


IMG_1813Somewhere in this Two Acre Field.



4 Replies to “Lost Platinum Wedding Ring – San Jaun Capistrano, Calif.”

  1. Stan Ross dit :

    Some other guy with a metal detector told Chris that Platimum was difficult to find with a metal detector, not true.

  2. Mark R dit :

    Way to go Stan! Bet you don’t want to see a mustard plant for a while!

  3. jason bontrager dit :

    Great find! Stan-What,MD, are you using? What was your value number? (VDI)

    1. Stan Ross dit :

      Hi Jason,
      I do most of my detecting in the water and on the beach. I had my Minelab Excalibur and my Soveriegn GT that day. I found the Plat ring with The Excal..They don’t have meters, but I’m fairly good at hearing the low tones of gold. I didn’t have (VDI) reading and when I found the platinum ring I don’t really remember how the tone sounded. It happened so fast and I was ready to call it a day..
      That search and one other on the grass made me realize that I will definitly need to start using a screened metal detector. I took a big jump and bought a minelab CTX3030. It is a great machine and I’m ready for my next ringfinder call.

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