Rogue Strong Wave Results In Lost Wedding Rings And Found Later With Determined Effort

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Diane messaged me that she was frolicking near their North Topsail beach rental when a large wave came and knocked her over. As her hands plunged into the sandy bottom, her loose wedding rings slipped off. She didn’t realize they were gone until she returned to the beach house. I started my search in the rolling waves just before low tide after asking a few questions. Sadly, the rings remained unfound on this initial try. Diane attempted to show me a photo taken by someone in her group right after her fall, but the glare and my poor vision made it impossible to see on her phone. I requested the photos be sent to me, and upon reviewing them on my laptop, I understood I had been searching too far out; the tides suggested she must have been nearer to the dry sand.

On my second attempt, I spent over two hours conducting a North-South and East-West grid search in the wet sand around low tide. My arms ached from the effort as I expanded the search zone. At last, a bit beyond my previous search area, I discovered the beautiful ring hidden under the wet sand, a spot that would have been submerged most of the time. I called Diane over, and her relief was palpable, especially since they were set to leave the next day and had begun packing.

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