I Lost My Class Ring

Bill’s handsome 10 karat gold 1985 University of Maryland class ring that metal detectorist Brian Rudolph recovered in mess than 20 minutes!

Bill proudly holds his university « trophy » after member of THE RING FINDERS Brian Rudolph successfully recovered his treasured keepsake.
« I lost my class ring ». How many times have you heard that line? All of the time! So many class rings are lost or stolen during the years of one possessing these special mementos. So much so that some decide to decline the idea of purchasing a high school or college class ring.
Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!
If you have lost a class ring, there is still a chance that an expert metal detectorist and or item recovery specialist can help find it for you. Contact TheRingFinders.com to find someone that can help you in your area.
Here is a story below that clearly illustrates the power of THE RING FINDERS website and how yet another person was able to be reunited with his college class ring because of professionals listed on the elite international directory of metal detectorists!
Bill of Forest Hill, Maryland was not unfamiliar with losing rings. He lost his wedding band 2 to 3 years earlier and his 1985 University of Maryland class ring had been previously lost 1 to 2 years before losing it yet again more recently.
On one particular day, the civil engineering graduate from the University of Maryland walked his 5 month old chocolate Labrador retriever from the garage over to the front walkway of his home. As Scout the puppy grabbed a stick that was offered to her mouth by its master, Bill eventually let go of the piece of tree limb and immediately he felt his class ring slide off of his finger and jettison towards the front yard.
Bill looked everywhere for his special class ring of 36 years but he could not find it anywhere on his front lawn. Since he had experience losing the same ring in the past along with his wedding band, the gentleman went to the local equipment rental center and rented a metal detector to search for the missing 10 karat yellow gold keepsake. The machine that he used was a Garrett Ace 250. There were lots of beeps and bleeps that he kept hearing from the detector and when all of his efforts failed to recover the jewel, he eventually returned the rental back to the store.
This civil engineer was not about to give up that quickly. The extremely brilliant and determined man designed a special grid out on his lawn in order to help him hunt down the class ring. He bought stakes, string and tape from the hardware store and made perfect intersecting right angles and square quadrants in order to account for every square inch of lawn that he would be detecting once again. Bill returned to the rental center one more time and rented an old Garrett Crossfire 2 to assist him on his next search attempt. Sadly, all of Bill’s efforts led to no avail. It was as if the class ring had disappeared into thin air!
When the frustrated man completed his 4th hour of searching for the ring with nothing to show for all of his efforts and time invested into the project, Bill got onto the internet and searched for another solution. That’s when he found THE RING FINDERS and that’s also when I am introduced into the story.
I really enjoyed talking with my potential client on the phone one particular night. He went through all of the details with me and I was more than happy to assist in helping to solve this mystery of the disappearance of Bill’s gold sentimental keepsake. We agreed to meet the following day.
When I arrived at my client’s lovely Forest Hill, Maryland property, Bill came over to greet me and he immediately showed off his amazing grid pattern that he designed on the front lawn. I told him that I was extremely impressed with his work. What else would you expect from a civil engineer who worked for NASA and some other very reputable companies over the years?!
Once I got completely oriented with everything, I returned back to my vehicle and got out all of the necessary gear needed to begin metal detecting. When I confirmed that the ring was definitely not inside the parameter of Bill’s search grid by scanning my machine over every grid quadrant, I then laid down my own grid lines which stretched not only wider from west to east, but also farther north to south. Experienced metal detectorists and item recovery specialists like myself will look « outside the box » just in case the ring flew farther than anticipated.
After I finished swinging my coil over the first three grid lanes that I had laid down on the lawn (approximately 20 minutes of detecting), I got a very good target signal registering on my machine. Immediately, I knelt down to investigate what the object might be. I was pretty sure it was exactly what I was looking for. Moments later, I was able to positively identify the target as being Bill’s lost yellow gold university ring!
It turned out that Bill just didn’t look far enough passed his search structure and his well-constructed grid pattern was way too short in distance and in width. I was able to recover the ring approximately 20 feet farther than where Bill had stopped searching. In total, the ring traveled over 35 feet! Like I shared earlier, metal detectorist specialists like myself have to constantly look « outside the box » and I’m sure glad that I did so for my client’s sake!
When I surprised my client with the ring, he appeared to be in complete shock! Bill was beyond thrilled that he was able to get back his very special keepsake! Even more so, he was very intrigued at how far his ring traveled from its initial take off location. He said he would have never thought to look farther as he would not have believed that the ring could have ended up so many feet away!
It just goes to show that everybody has their specific expertise. Bill was an engineer for NASA and yet he was even stumped with finding this lost piece of jewelry! He told me that he was extremely happy that he contacted my services rather than give up and spend years ahead wondering where his special graduation trophy had ended up out there somewhere on his front lawn!
In conclusion, if you want to find your long lost class ring, there is still hope. Yes, hope can be found by calling a ring finder on THE RING FINDERS website to locate a metal detectorist nearest to you!
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