how to find a ring in a lawn Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold Necklace Pendant Lost on Grass Football Field Found .. Westminister , CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

If you have lost something that is important to you. Call or text me at 949-500-2136 … I can answer any questions you may have about my recovery service. Available to help you 24/7 .. Stan the Metal Detector Man

*** Antonio lost a gold pendant at a Westminister, CA. park while playing football with his friends. He was sure the pendant was on the grassy field . He called me after he had another guy search for it with a metal detector.

  I met him late in the afternoon to get an idea of where he thought it may have come off. A football field is a massive area which could take me 5 or 6 hours if it wasn’t there or I missed it.

Antonio was very upset as this was a gift from his mother who had recently passed away. Actually he was going to be attending her funeral. The next day while I was doing the search.

My game plan was to separate the large area in five sections. Starting with Area #1 center of field. Areas  #2 and #3 the ends nearest the goal lines. Lastly, areas #4 and #5  would be grid searched.

The pendant was found in the first search area after an hour and a half of slow and low meticulous swinging of my Minelab Manticore metal detector. Searches can be quick if you start in the right spot. “ Some say it’s a game of inches.”

We were lucky this time and it was an emotional return as Antonio had been at the funeral and didn’t know the pendant was found till later that day.

If you have lost something that is important to you. Call or text me at 949-500-2136 … I can answer any questions you may have about my recovery service. Available to help you 24/7 .. Stan the Metal Detector Man

Diamond Ring Lost in Ankle Deep Water at SoCal Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

If you need information or help to find a lost ring or other important metalic item call or text .. Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136

*** Joey contacted me needing help to find a diamond engagement his wife lost in ankle deep water at a Southern California Beach. I told him we only had a few hours before high tide. I suggested that he call another detector guy closer to the location.  If the guy couldn’t do the search, call me back.

Joey called me back giving me the general area. I said it would take me about an hour and half to get there. It would be necessary to be able to have Monique present to hear her describe how and where the loss occurred.

We all showed up at the same time. The tide was low enough to use the detector without getting wet.

Monique’s beautiful diamond engagement ring was exactly where she had been collecting sea shells, already 2” deep in wet sand.

Timing is very important especially for losses that happen on public beaches with tides that change from minus -1.0 ft. low tide to plus + 5.6 ft. high tide.

Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136

Two Small Diamond Stud Earrings Recoveref at San Clemente State Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Another successful recovery after calling a member of the Ringfinders .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Call or text for prompt response  24/7 .. 949-500-2136

*** Erin needed help finding a set of two diamond stud earrings. After a quick conversation with him, I believed the loss occurred in a totlot play area. He sent me an address to get me to the place where he could meet me. It was possible to meet him before dark, so I left for the 24 mile drive soon after talking to him.

When I got to the address, it was actually San Clemente State Beach. Erin cleared up my idea that I would be searching a small totlot. He had to walk me out on the main beach. I noticed that he was having trouble finding where he been. He was sure that the earrings had been on his towel and they dropped in the sand when he picked up the towel.

He started me in one area, but soon grabbed me moving me 50 ft. to the south. I’m glad I was using my high frequency metal detector and the earrings still had backings on. ( more metal ) Many times we have a second earring to check our settings are correct for finding small jewelry.

It did take a few minutes to find both earrings. They were more than 15 feet from each other. A big beach area could be a much more difficult search than a small totlot. Erin was very happy and excited to have these sentimental earrings found. They were given to him by his mother who had recently passed away.

Available now to help you now. “ I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”  … Have Detector Will Travel ..

Sentimental Silver Ring Lost in Sand .. Orange County Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Mobile metal detecting at your location.. Stan 949-500-2136

** This was the second time that Erin had called me for help finding a lost item in the sand. The first time was unsuccessful as she had been many other places the day she lost a bracelet. I could only eliminate the beach sand area.

This time Erin was positive her sentimental silver ring was on the beach because she had taken it off to apply sunscreen. Our problem was to get back to the general location. Erin could not meet me till later that afternoon.

I went as soon as I finished talking to her. I had a cross street name and my best clue was she had been near a volleyball court.  It was worth my time , because her ring was recovered in less than an hour. It was my privilege to find and return Erin’s ring. She was so excited and grateful to have her ring returned.

If you need help or advice about how to find your lost ring ? Call or text Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136 .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE” with or without you.

Gold and Diamond Engagement Ring Saved from the Sand at Southern California Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Prompt Metal Detecting Service available now.. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Call or text 949-500-2136.

**Loran had been sitting in her beach chair at Newport Beach when she dropped her diamond engagement ring in the sand. She was devastated because she has only had the ring for 5 months. Her fiancé , Barry had borrowed a beginner level metal detector and was not able to find the ring.

They called me after finding my contact information  on line with a Google search. I met them within 30 minutes and it was a successful recovery. Timing is important with these losses on the beach towel line as the beach cleaning machines maintain this area daily. Also entry level metal detectors do not work well with small items in the mineralized beach sand.

On my local beaches, I have to respond to calls as soon as possible.   Rings lost in back yards or private property can be recovered days or years later. The other day I found a diamond ring in a sofa that was lost 11 years ago.

Don’t waste time Call a ringfinder now 949-500-2136

Local Newport Beach Resident Lost House Keys in Sand .. Recovered by RingFinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Residents in Newport Beach call metal detecting expert to help finding items lost in the sand.. Call now if you need help ..

*** Bob lives a block away from the sand in Newport Beach. He loves to body surf in the waves a couple times a week. His habit is to leave his towel on the dry sand with his house keys, which he has done for years.

This time was different because he could not find his house keys after drying off. The keys were on a long necklace size chain which should have been an easy find. Nevertheless his house keys could not be located by a hand search.

He called me and I was able to meet him shortly after he called.  It didn’t take long to find the house keys using my metal detector. Bob was happy to get the keys back, so he didn’t have to break into his house..

Diamond Wedding Ring Set Lost in Surf at a Orange County Beach Found and Returned to Owner

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

If you need help or advice on how to find a ring or other important metal item, call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** Barbie was staying with her family in the summer beach front rentals in Newport Beach, CA. While playing catch with a football in ankle deep water both her diamond engagement ring and wedding ring came off her finger falling into the surf. Immediately the rings disappeared in the saturated wet sand.

She was able to contact me shortly after the loss, after someone on the beach gave her my contact information. The tide was too high to do a search when she called me. We did have time to determine the general location. The next low tide would be 2am, so I told her I would be there to do a thorough grid search at low tide.

These types searches are not the same as searching a field , because beaches have various forms of sand movement. It is possible that as much as a foot of sand can move in which would put the ring out of the detection range of most metal detectors. Sometimes people misjudge how deep they were in  the water. I try to explain to people what our chances are,  before giving them false hope.

This was one was one of the good conditions that made this a successful search. It still took about an hour of slow methodical grid searching in the dark of night to find the two rings. It gets a little discouraging because there were no other metal signals and it’s difficult to keep a straight line in shallow water. It’s a game of inches with small items like a ring there’s always a chance of missing the item.

I had found both rings within two feet of each other. I did sleep in that morning, 2 am searches take some recovery time. Some time after 9 am the next morning I sent Barbie a photo of the rings. We met a couple hours after the call for the return.

Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136


White Gold Diamond Engagement Ring Lost in Sand.. Orange County, CA. Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Diamond Engagement Ring saved from being lost forever in beach sands of Southern California . If you need help finding your lost ring or any other  sentimental item, call a professional metal detecting expert. Stan the Metal Detector Man can help you now.. Cal or Text anytime, day or night 7/24 … Mobile metal detecting available for you.. 949-500-2136

*** Terry and Dan were enjoying the day at Newport Beach. They were set up for the day with a shade canopy and everything for a special picnic planned by Terry. In the process of organizing the beach party, Terry realized her big diamond engagement ring of 23 years was missing from her finger.

Dan found my contact information with an internet search. I was able to meet them on the beach shortly after the call, because I live a couple miles from their location at Newport Beach.

Terry was devastated, upset because she had not left the ring at home,  as she normally does.  Also, she has worn this ring for over 23 years. After I found out she had not left this 50ft. x 50ft. area since she last saw it. I assured her this could be an easy recovery.

Soon after hearing her story I was able to find her awesome 4.2 ct. white gold diamond ring.

Prompt service call me for advice or service at your location. Your privacy is very important to me ..“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE” Stan Ross at 949-500-2136

Lost Gold Chain with Pendant Laguna Beach, CA.. Searched for using a Mobile Metal Detecting Service

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


My latest recovery .. If you need help finding anything that can detected with a metal detector. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man now.. 24/7 .. 949-500-2136

..  Marshal texted me about a gold chain with a small gold pendant lost in the sand at Laguna Beach, CA.  He had taken the necklace was set on his towel while he and his girlfriend, Rebecca went swimming.

When they left the beach he picked up the towel and headed to his vehicle. He did return to search the sand without success .

The next morning Marshal called me asking if I could meet Rebecca at the location. When I arrived at the location there was a large tractor with a plow-like rake dragging the beach to remove seaweed washed up on the beach that last high tide. Following the tractor was another sifting machine working the same sand.

I was at the site and it did not look like my chances of finding the lost items were worth even trying a search. I explained the situation to Rebecca and proceeded to do a grid search over the area, expanding the search zone 50 to 60 yards.

I did find a small gold pendant that did turn out to be the missing pendant. The gold chain was never recovered. I knew it could be anywhere on the whole main beach. I spent more than 4 hours trying to understand how far away the chain got moved. It just didn’t show.

Marshal was happy to have the pendant back, because it was a gift from his mother.

I can help you, I Will Try Anywhere.. Our chances are best if you call ASAP..Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136 or email  ..

Small Gold Chain Ring Lost in Deep Grass .. at a Park in Irvine, California

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Stan the Metal Detector Man is available to help you find your lost ring or other precious metal jewelry.. Call or text as soon as possible 24/7 .. Also my email is:

*** Cynthia was at Arbor Park located in Irvine , CA. She was sitting on the grass with her family when her Gold  chain link ring came off her finger, dropping into deep grass.

She found my contact information on line. After a short conversation I was able to meet her 35 minutes after getting the address of the park..

My heart sank when she showed me a photo of the gold chain ring and seeing the deep grass where it was dropped. Gold chains are difficult for most metal detectors to receive a decent signal. I always carry my high frequency metal detector for small gold searches. This was definitely the tool I had to use.

It took a few minutes to get a decent signal in the 4” deep grass. The small chain ring was at the bottom of the grass, balled up, about the size of a gold nugget. Hardly visible , even after spreading the blades of grass away.

A quick response time and successful search in difficult conditions. Many times the people don’t realize how hard a search can be. They think anybody can find a metal object, if they have a metal detector.. I love the challenge and being able to help people find irreplaceable keepsakes.

I’m ready to help you find your missing metal item lost at the beach, yard, park or in the water. Also I have been able to recover jewelry in cars, homes or other places where a metal detector can’t be used using endoscopes and other search tools.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ call or text for help or information .. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. 949-500-2136