do not rent a metal detector Tag | The Ring Finders

UCI Student Lost Car Key Fob .. Corona Del Mar State Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Call or text ASAP  Stan Ross the metal detector Man .. 949-500-2136 ..Timing is very important for items lost in public areas.. Items lost in yards or other private property may be located after many years. Call for advice about your chances to get your lost items recovered.

*** Marilyn is a student at University of California Irvine, she called me asking for help finding her Toyota electronic key fob lost in the sand. She said it happened at Corona Del Mar State Beach which is in Newport Beach.

She was in class but able to send me a marked up screen shot of the area. She could meet me after her last class in about 4 hours. We didn’t have time for me to ask very many questions. I knew she would soon be there and I could get more details.

When Marilyn met me, I showed her the locations I had already grid searched. My heart sank when she told me the loss happened 3 days before. This is a heavily maintained beach and many people detect this beach.

I could show her where I had already searched. She said it might be a bit further south. Turning left and walking  40ft. in a straight line to start a new grid line. Boom! first target at 40ft was Marilyn’s key fob. She doesn’t know how lucky we were. I’m not sure I would have even tried the search if she had told me the loss occurred three days before.

Key fob searches are difficult they do not always get buried, the sifting machines or beach rake machines pick them up or move them . It always feels good to help someone like Marilyn who was so grateful for my help.

Diamond Engagement Ring Lost On Beach Near Santa Monica Pier .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)




I can help you or answer any questions you may have on how this metal detecting service works .. Call or Text .. Stan the Metal Detector man .. mobile metal detecting for you .. 949-500-2136


*** I got a text from Anthony about an gold diamond engagement ring lost at Santa Monica beach near the pier. It was already 8pm almost too late to make the hour drive to that beach. I texted him back saying, it was important to discuss the circumstances of the loss as soon as possible. That beach is heavily hunted by metal detectorists especially on weekends.

We were able to determine the ring was definitely on Maria’s towel. They were on their way home when Maria realized she had not put the engagement ring back on her finger. Many times I will try a search without the people can’t meet me at the beach. The best information he gave me was that they were not sitting on the towel line. probably the most hunted zones on the beach. I told Anthony that our odds would be better if they could meet me tomorrow, Sunday morning and he agreed. 

I was on the beach a day break to start gridding the search area. The Santa Monica  beach crew only pulled a grooming rake with a tractor that morning. Other beaches run their Beach King sifting machine everyday in the summer. 

The ring had not shown after an hour of running a tight grid pattern using the verbal directions given to me on our call last night. Then Anthony and Maria walked up to me on the beach. They pointed out a trash can that they were near. I was almost there but they we’re actually way back from the towel line. I moved over about 10 or 15 yards and shortly after starting a new grid pattern I got the signal. The signal is a solid tone in my headphones that happens when a white gold diamond engagement ring is under my detector coil. And one dig with my sand scoop, revealed Maria’s awesome engagement ring. A happy couple drove home with the ring they thought was lost forever.

Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. mobile metal detecting service for you .. Call or Text .. 949-500-2136  I WILL TRY ANYWHERE