Lost ring at Port Huron state park

  • from Mount Pleasant (Michigan, United States)

I found this ring for a lady at Port Huron state park in Michigan. My family and I had went to Port Huron for the weekend and while I was searching the beach a lady asked me if I could help her find her ring that her grandma had given her. She told me that she was throwing a frisbee with her family and she felt it come off. It only took about five minutes to find it. She was really excited to get it back and I was so excited to find it for her that I forgot to take pictures. I went back later to get pictures, but she had already taken the ring back to her car. She did send a picture later, which is the one I posted. I’ll get it right next time. The most important thing is that she got her grandmother’s ring back.

Lost ring

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One Reply to “Lost ring at Port Huron state park”

  1. Cindy Miller dit :

    Hello, Readers! I am ‘the Lady’ Warren speaks of in the post. Think of something extremely special to you, then think of losing it. It was a terrible feeling, but Warren did not give up! The ring was deeper and further than any of us thought it would be. Warren was fantastic and persistent.

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