Service Ring Lost Then Returned on Treasure Island, Florida

Sean was putting his boat back on the lift when he noticed that the lift cable had coiled up on the shaft. As he was working to realign the cable his ring came off his finger and he watched as it quickly disappeared out of site in the water under the boatlift.
A couple of days later his wife Sandra found the “Ring Finders” website and contacted SRARC and spoke to Tom Jones. She explained to him that this ring had been given to her husband in 1988 by the company he worked for and it was the top award given for that year. Each time he won the same award after that the company would take the ring in and add a diamond on it. The ring contained 8 diamonds.
After hearing this Tom knew that the ring had to found and returned and he told her that the best chance to find the ring would not be until the next weekend to take advantage of an extremely low tide during daylight hours.
On June 14, Tom went to the site and measured the water depth at high tide and it was over 9’ deep. He decided to come back on Monday 6/15 and dive the site.
Tom and Joe Szemer arrived Monday to find a good low tide. Once Tom got in the water he quickly realized the he would have to dive for the ring. They brought in a compressor and regulator and Tom dropped in and anchored himself to the bottom and started hunting. He found that the bottom consisted of 10” of gelatinous silt with a hard sand bottom. After 10 minutes searching the bottom with his detector he got a good target and started feeling through the muck until he found the ring. Tom returned to the surface wearing the ring on his pinkie finger showing it to Joe who in turn gave Sean and Sandra the thumbs up signal.
They could not believe that the ring had been found and his memento of 28 years of service was back on his finger.
That was quite the recovery…Nice job Tom and Joe!

corp ring  tom and joe

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