Another Gold Cartier Ring Recovery with Three other Rings .. Lost at a LaJolla, CA. Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136 .. Email:

*** Malana was with her family vacationing from Utah. Sunday they spent the day on a small LaJolla, CA. beach. She took off her 5 rings before going swimming, laying them on her towel. After leaving the beach, she realized that the rings must have fallen off her towel into the sand. Returning the next morning they were only able to find one ring.

At the end of the third day her friend, Sage had found my contact information while doing a google search. She called me describing what had happened. Malana was only interested in finding the Cartier ring that was very sentimental to her.

It was 6pm when I received the call.  They was hoping I could meet them the next morning. After hearing the story of where, when and how much time had passed, I recommended that we do the search ASAP. The family had reservation at a local restaurant would be able to meet me after they finished their meal. 

They sent me a google earth screen shot of the site. I was able to start the grid search an hour and a half before they met me at 9:30pm.

There was half dozen family members present when Malana walked me over to the general area. The beach was free of trash metal targets which worries me. At the edge of the high water, I got a signal that was just like the last 3 Cartier rings I had recently recovered. BOOM! I had dug Malana’s cherished 18k gold ring in the scoop. Everyone began the yell and cheer. It was so loud that a couple of the beach front homes turned on their lights. Now we were in the zone and it took a few more swings of my detector to get the other three rings. I can’t believe that I was able to pick up the thin silver ring that was broken. 

What a nice family and Malana was so excited, along with her family and best friend, Sage, who did the internetwork to find me. These beaches are hunted regularly, I could not put this search off till the next day.

Don’t wait, call as soon as possible… Stan the Metal Detector Man …  949-500-2136  .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “.. Email:

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