Lost Wedding Ring... Corona Del Mar Beach, CA... Found in Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Friday, August 8,2013

This evening I was using my detector on the beach as most the people were leaving to return home from their day at the beach. Jenny’s brother walked up to me and asked me if I can find metal or a ring with my machine. His sister had just lost her diamond wedding ring and he wanted to know if I could find the ring after they had searched for it over a half hour.

Jenny had carefully put her cherished diamond wedding ring in a hand bag at the beginning of her day at the beach with her big family group. As they were packing up to return home she went to her hand bag to get her ring back on her finger. It was dark when she reached into the bag to retrieve the ring and as she pulled her hand out  the ring fell into the sand. Everybody took a shot at finding the ring, digging through the sand with their fingers. It is nearly impossible to feel a small ring in most types of dry sand.

When I got there Jenny was really upset and crying out of control. She could barely tell me how she lost the ring. I told her not to worry, I do this all the time and it will be an easy search.. I set up my machine to find this white gold ring and was unaware of how small it was. I was listening for that nice gold sound and I found a couple coins, but no ring. My next move was to set my detector to accept all metal and picked up a screw and a hair pin. No ring.  Then I made some more fine adjustments to the sensitivity settings. It was my time to start worrying. I had annouced to all the onlookers how easy this was going to be and they were begining to look nervous after 20 minutes.. This time a heard a broken tin foil sound, telling everyone that this is tin foil but I’ll dig it to remove it from the search area. Even though it was dark, I could see Jenny’s ring in my sand scoop. She was standing in front of me and knew that I had found the ring. When I gave it to her she put it on and I couldn’t get her to take it off to take a photo of it.. Big hugs and congratulations from the whole family.. They do not know how I almost missed this small ring. It was probably deep and standing on edge or maybe there was a piece of tin foil in the same hole ? I’ve got to stay humble, there can be many variables to searching for jeweler. End result: Happy smiling faces and everyone knows about our group called The RingFinders.

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3 Replies to “Lost Wedding Ring… Corona Del Mar Beach, CA… Found in Sand”

  1. We can still see the tears on her cheeks. Great work.

  2. Yes Stan,

    Sometimes we are thrown a curve ball with difficulty… Like you said, a ‘difficult’ easy search keeps one humble. Good find. Looks like she was very emotional..

  3. Mark R dit :

    Good Job Stan! Those « foil » rings can be a real pain to find in junky sand. Everything seems to mask them.

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