• from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

Shawn SGT Sherrill – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call/Text ASAP  Anytime 24/7   918-313-2202

I received a call from a gentleman that lost his phone on the side of a road. I met up with him with fellow Ring Finder, Doug Hardy. After getting all the details of the location of about where it was lost we began looking for it in the high brush and thorns.  It was a visual search, there was no way to swing a metal detector. After about 30 mins I was able to locate it under a bush next to some thorn bushes. I had to crawl under them to get to it. We called the owner back and confirmed it was in fact his phone!! The photos/videos on his phone were priceless to him. He had had this phone since the birth of his child and hadn’t backed it up to any cloud. He was beyond grateful to get this phone back with all of the memories, that were irreplaceable.











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