200th RETURN! Sophie's College Ring in Sand for 3 days - Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 2, 2018

Sophie had contacted me about her, lost in the sand, college ring just before I was heading out to search for another ring. We made plans to meet after I got back on dry land after hunting an island’s water for a wedding set. Well, nothing went well, I did not find the wedding set and the 20 minute boat ride we did not meet up for the search that night and I had another search to do the next morning. Having found the morning ring I had a small lunch and headed for the private beach to meet Sophie. A short wait, a short hello, a short dawning of my detecting gear, a short walk to the beach, a short explanation of how the ring was lost, a short time to search…and a short time to take the ring from my scoop and put it back on Sophie’s finger. It was then time for thank yous, pictures and a promise of a Thank You note.

Ah, but Sophie was the 200th return of a detected item for me. Several less than half of which were made before I joined The Ring Finders. I had to do something special. Many thoughts came and went. As fate would have it, the answer came from summer detecting partner. Quite an entrepreneur, Jim and launched a Kickstarter for a keepsake coin, the Carpe Diem, (Seize the Day). I thought this would remind Sophie of how special occurrences happen and how to handle them as she carries the “coin” along life’s path. I will take time right now to thank all that have contacted The Ring Finders for help and have added to the wonderful joy of our hobby of Metal Detecting. My life has been made richer, not by the value of a find, but by the helping others through a stressful time with my expertise.

Thank You!

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