Gold Diamond Engagement Ring Recovered on Stinson Beach, California

  • from Stinson Beach (California, United States)

Jillian contacted me about her engagement ring that went missing on the beach over the weekend. She had a great idea of where it might be and was able to direct me to the probable location.

She also took the initiative to call lost and found, the local beach cafe, and anywhere else she could imagine it may have been lost. Smart!

I hit the road and located the area of the beach she remembered, then created a search grid. Within about an hour and a half, after pulling up every pop tab on the planet, I finally found her lovely gold diamond engagement ring! I called her right away so she could breathe a little easier, and we met up later that evening to get it back on her hand where it belongs.

I enjoyed getting to know the happy couple and I wish them well on their upcoming wedding and travels. I’m glad they found The RingFinders so I could help, and so happy it turned out positive.

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