Lost Ring search in southern France

Here is (in part) an e-mail I received a couple of days ago…

« I’ve only just learned about Ring Finders and am so excited that such a service        exists. I wish I had known sooner.  I lost my wedding band in the Mediterranean on Monday (July 29th). I imagine sooner is better than later when looking for lost rings in the Sea, but, based on your experience, is there a chance you could find it despite the lost time? Do rings tend to move towards the shore with the wave movement or do they move « sideways » across the sea?

It was lost on a beach near ******. I can get you details as to where we were, time of day, how deep we were, water movement, etc. If, however, you think this particular search would be futile, I have had my mourning time and am reconciled to eventually replacing it.  But if there’s a chance… »

Despite overwhelming odds of getting this report 5 days later, I did search the area. The party was not able to be present as he was traveling back to his home in another country. He did send me a google map  outlining an area of about 150 meters long and covering about 100 meters wide (into the sea). The beach is heavily attended, somewhat heavy surf and many people search with metal detectors.  Unfortunately, I was not able to find the ring (I did find two other rings, coins, etc.).

Even though this report was received very late, I still made 3 different attempts (3 trips) to locate the ring (1  1/2 hr drive to the beach).  If you lose a ring, make sure to contact theringfinders.com promptly and DON’T GIVE UP HOPE.  We’ll be there to assist you.

Larry Griffith

Southern France



1 Comment »

One Reply to “Lost Ring search in southern France”

  1. Mark R dit :

    Yup, don’t give up hope…..it will probably be found eventually.

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