Lost ring in Provo Canyon: Found

Maddilyn got engaged one week ago, and she loved her beautiful white gold engagement ring. Yesterday, she went up Provo Canyon  to get some engagement photos behind Mt. Timpanogos. When they finished the photo shoot, she was horrified to find that her ring was gone! Some of the photos showed the ring, but some showed the ring was gone. They searched through the snow, then bought a cheap metal detector and searched some more, but they couldn’t find the lost ring. Last night, Maddilyn’s dad found me on TheRingFinders.com. This afternoon I met Maddilyn and her finance near the canyon. We drove up past Sundance ski resort where I started my search. It took 20 or 30 minutes, but I found the ring buried in the new snow! Hopefully, that one cold night the ring spent in the canyon will be the last night it ever spends away from her!

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