2023 Augusta University (AU) Class Ring Lost, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This adventure started while I was in the process of finding three lost rings in the dry sand on May 30th in Myrtle Beach SC.  While looking for the three rings, I got a great high signal in the dry sand. Thinking I had one of the three rings I dug it up. To my surprise it was a beautiful 2023 Augusta University Class Ring. I knew it wasn’t one of the three, but I showed it to the parents of the owner of the three rings. They verified that it was not one of the three I was looking for. Shortly after finding the class ring, I found the three rings I was looking for and returned them to the parents.

Now comes the hard part in trying to find the owner. My wife is a huge help proofreading my stories and fixing my pictures, she’s also a wizard on social media. I sent her the name engraved inside the class ring and before I got home, she texted me the probable owner she found on LinkedIn. Neither Face Book nor Instagram had any matches. I attempted to send the owner, Sean a text but LinkedIn requires you be a member to communicate with someone. I finally contacted Augusta University, Registrar’s office and talked with a very nice lady, Katie. Katie said if I would e-mail the Registrar office, they would forward the e-mail to Sean’s last known contact information they had on file. I sent the e-mail and waited. After three days I called Katie back and she said my e-mail hadn’t come through. So, I sent a 2nd e-mail making sure I spelled Registrar correctly, left off an ‘r’ the first time. Called Katie back and she said it came through and she just forwarded it on to Sean as well as called and left a message. Fast forward two days to June 7th, I woke up to a text message saying “Hi Jim Wren! This is Sean; I heard you found my ring? Thank you so much for contacting the registrar’s office.” I asked him to verify the two engravings he had in the ring and Bingo, he nailed it, so I knew I had the right guy. I got his address in Oklahoma and his ring was heading home.

Today, June 11th, I received a text from Sean with the picture of him holding his ring. He also told me the back story of how he lost his ring. He said that he and his friends were playing games at Myrtle Beach and when they headed back to their hotel during the evening, he realized his class ring was gone! He said, “I put it by his shirt and when we were packing everything up and heading back it must have slipped out. The entire group of friends combed the entire 100-foot area where their tent was set up on the beach but to no avail.”

Sean – So glad I was able to track you down and get your treasure back where it belongs. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.



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