Lost Ring Farmington, MO… FOUND!

  • from Fredericktown (Missouri, United States)

I received a call from Ryan on 9/19/22 and he explained to me that he had lost his wedding ring at a soccer park and wanted to know if I could help.   “Yes, I sure can”, I told him.  So we set it up for 6:30 am the next morning.  I had about a two hour window to find the ring before heading off to work.  Ryan pretty-much walked with me the whole time, bending down to search with me many times.  We had gone over about three quarters of the soccer field after about 90 minutes when all of a sudden,  a solid hit on the Equinox!  Ryan bent down to check… nothing.  Then I moved to the detector once more over about 3” from where Ryan checked… BOOM there it was!  I looked at Ryan and asked, “Hey bud, is this it?”  He was thrilled to say the least!   What a great start to the day for both of  us.




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